SCI Re-granting Scheme to EU members
Project selected in 2024
Background and aims
The International Secretariat (IS) of Service Civil International (SCI) invited proposals from its member organisations based in European Union (EU) member states, for projects planned to take place in the 2024 year. This was possible in the scope of SCI’s Operating Grant under the EU’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV). The aim of the Re-granting Scheme is to financially support network branches to carry out activities which promote the core values of SCI and the values of the European Union (EU).
Selected projects
We received 6 applications for the regranting scheme, and after following an agreed-upon process, the following 6 projects were selected:
Peace Education Centre
Organisation: SCI Poland
Awarded grant: 17,000€
Duration: 7 months
Themes: Peace and intercultural dialogue; Inclusion
Type of activity: Social inclusion and anti-discrimination activities
The Peace Education Centre project aims to promote peace-related values such as social justice and inclusiveness through educational activities for Polish youth. It includes inaugurating a Peace Education Centre, training volunteers, and organising a Peace Challenge for schools. Targeting various groups, including school youth, educators, NGO representatives, and volunteers, the project aims to increase knowledge and motivation for practicing peace among participants.
Reviving Community Building Through Quality Volunteering
Organisation: SCI Slovenia
Awarded grant: 19,298€
Duration: 9 months
Themes: Peace and intercultural dialogue; Inclusion
Type of activity: Capacity building activities
The project focuses on enhancing the organisation’s capacities through IT improvements and promoting international volunteering. It aims to strengthen connections, expand outreach, and foster a vibrant volunteer community in Slovenia. Expected outcomes include an improved digital system, increased engagement in volunteering, and strengthened partnerships, benefiting both Zavod Voluntariat and the wider SCI network.
Learning from history II – working for world peace and raising democratic awareness
Organisation: SCI Germany
Awarded grant: 16,000€
Duration: 9 months
Themes: Peace and intercultural dialogue
Type of activity: Historical research or digitisation projects
Learning from History II aims to continue cooperation with local memorials at former concentration camps, forced labor, or POW sites to address peace preservation and democratic awareness in Germany. It seeks to counter the rise of right-wing populism across Europe, making space for dialogue on historical lessons for peace and democracy. It engages young people through study camps and dissemination events.
A Path Forward - Together for Climate Justice
Organisation: KVT Finland
Awarded grant: 17,000€
Duration: 7 months
Themes: Inclusion; Environmental Protection and Climate Justice
Type of activity: Capacity building activities
This project aims to address climate justice in international volunteering, acknowledging power imbalances between the global north and south. It builds on previous efforts, focusing on assessing and reducing the climate impact of volunteer exchanges. Through seminars and workshops, it engages volunteers in discussions and provides tools to promote climate justice. The project targets existing volunteers and young people interested in climate issues, fostering inclusive dialogue and activism.
No More War in 2024
Organisation: VIA Netherlands and No More War team
Awarded grant: 16,702€
Duration: 8 months
Themes: Peace and intercultural dialogue
Type of activity: Capacity building and awareness-raising activities
This project by SCI’s No More War group and VIA Netherlands aims to address the rise of militarisation and war across Europe through awareness-raising activities. With a focus on banning nuclear weapons, preventing military conscription, and raising awareness about genocide prevention, the project includes film festivals, online talks, Wikipedia editing workshops, and a physical work meeting. By engaging activists and scholars, the project seeks to promote peace and challenge complicity in war crimes. Through these activities, the group aims to amplify voices against militarism and foster meaningful dialogue on alternatives to war.
WE ARE IN(clusive): Social and Youth Empowerment
Organisation: SCI Catalunya
Awarded grant: 14,000€
Duration: 9 months
Themes: Peace and intercultural dialogue; inclusion
Type of activity: Social inclusion and anti-discrimination activities
This project aims to promote inclusive volunteering experiences and social transformation in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands. It targets people at risk of social exclusion, previous volunteers, and those interested in local or international volunteering. Activities include reserving volunteer spots for marginalised youth, organising mini-camps for local projects, and translating a gender and discrimination prevention protocol. By fostering gender equality and social inclusion, the project seeks to empower marginalised youth and create more equal volunteer exchange.
Our donor
SCI’s Re-granting Scheme (FSTP) is funded by the European Union’s CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values) Programme. Grants are available for CSOs in EU countries.