Building Bridges Statement
The Toolkit was designed to collect and share the know-how on voluntary projects involving people seeking or who have recently found refuge, as well as raising awareness on forced migration in general. The collection of guidelines, methods and case studies is non-exhaustive and should simply foster your own inspiration and support you in implementing projects on the topic. The creation of the Toolkit has been driven by the ever bigger need of the international SCI network to exchange best practices on projects in the field. It was coordinated by SCI Switzerland with the support of Útilapu Hungary. Its existence wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Mercator Foundation Switzerland and the active contribution of the Building Bridges working group and a number of SCI branches.

METHODS AND TOOLS serve to support your work on the topic of refugees and migration with different target groups.
Icon Dictionary on Migration
Objectives / aim: Visualise different aspects of forced and voluntary migrations
Contact / Source: Małgorzata Tur malgorzata.tur@gmail.com
With this publication SCI Poland equips teachers and educators with a set of 51 icons – simplified drawings – that allow to visualise in a few seconds concepts like: refugee, persecution, migration, discrimination, support, integration, etc. The icons are easy to redraw and need no artistic skills – literally everyone can copy them!
The dictionary, with content by Małgorzata Tur and drawings by Dominika Ratajczyk, is intended mostly for trainers, teachers, and facilitators, although also many other groups may find it useful. It is universal and can be used by educators in various countries.
The icons can be used to visualise different aspects of forced and voluntary migrations. They were carefully chosen as to portrait several stages of the migrant’s life.
The icons should assist the educators in transferring the message – no matter if it aims to increase the participants’ knowledge, skills, or change their attitudes. The pictures complement the verbal message, and additionally arouse emotions, as they help to empathise with refugees and other migrants.
You can copy the icons and make print-outs, you can show them in your digital presentation, but – even better – you can practise to draw them on a flipchart or whiteboard, and draw them live during a lesson or workshop, in any size and combination you need. All icons have been created in a way that allows them to be drawn in 5-10 seconds, even by non-professionals.
Please feel free to experiment, alter or combine icons, or draw a new one! We hope the dictionary can have subsequent editions, and we will happily include your icon idea in the next one!
The publication was developed within the “Go Visual! Creative education about migration” project by SCI Poland with the financial support of the European Commission.

You can share your experience, observations, tips and tricks, pictures etc. by uploading for instance a method or a case study to the Building Bridges Toolkit. As this Toolkit is a work in progress to which all involved parties are invited to contribute, we would also be very grateful for your support and contribution in order to inspire others to continue the work towards peace and intercultural understanding.