Peace on the streets
Type of resource
This toolkit collects antimilitarist educational methods and tools for doing street activism against war and militarisation.
This toolkit has been developed with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, under the project ‘No War Anywhere’. The content of this toolkit is inspired by the activities of No War Anywhere and the participants interest in anti-militarism education, anti-militarist activism & peace education (SCI Italy, 15-22 April; SCI Austria, 25 June-2 July 2023).
It is the updated version of a previous toolkit that wad developed by SCI Austria as part of a series of anti-war projects from 2019 to 2022. As a branch of the international peace organisation Service Civil international (SCI), SCI Austria wants to stand up for peaceful resolution to conflict, global disarmament and demilitarisation.
Year of publication
Created by
International Secretariat – IS
SCI – Projets Internationaux
SCI Austria
No War Anywhere
Supported by
Council of Europe through the European Youth Foundation
The European Commission’s CERV Programme