IVS: 90 years and counting Volunteers’ Reflections

This publication “IVS : 90 years and counting. Volunteers’ Reflections” is a selection of Memories, seventeen in total collected for our IVS 90th Anniversary Memories Project started in 2021. Having collected over fifty stories so far, some selection...

Depth Education For Youth (DEFY)

The story of the three-year Depth Education for Youth (DEFY) project began in the second half of 2023. DEFY is an experiment created with and for educators, exploring feelings by evoking them and inquiring into discomfort by inviting it in. After the first phase of...

The COMPACT Project Journey

The IM-PROVE web app is an online tool that records your volunteer experience and translates it into competencies. It helps volunteers more easily recognize the skills developed during the project, plan personal growth, and establish learning goals. The IM-PROVE web...

Climate Justice Education for Rural Youth

This comprehensive toolkit, created by Pangeuya Ultima UKR in collaboration with SCI Deutscher Zweig e.V., illustrates how non-formal education can be used as a powerful method to address and combat the climate crisis. Through innovative approaches and practical...