NEW online peace messengers course!
Sign up!
It is already more than three months ago that the war in Ukraine started, including calls to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian army with more weapons. “Yes! Thank you very much”, the arms industry answered. Another voice is needed: a voice for peace, maybe more than ever.
That’s why SCI will organise a new online peace-messengers course:
- each Sunday from 12 June to 10 July 2022; 10:00 – 12:00 CEST
- on Zoom
- ? it’s for free!
There will be assignments in between and you will explore peace with other same-minded persons. Moreover you will learn the basic ingredients to be a peace-messenger: to facilitate small (workcamp-)groups in order to educate for and about peace.
? Interested? Apply through by 9 June 2022, by providing the following information:
- Name:
- E-mail address:
- Country / SCI branch:
- Short motivation
For more info, please contact
Explore more news
7 October One Year Later: A Call for Peace Amidst Escalating Aggression
October 7, 2024; one year after we are left devastated, horrified, shocked by the news and we keep strongly condemning the acts of violence perpetrated on civilians. CCIVS and SCI stand resolute in our commitment to the values of peace, justice, and human rights. We call upon civil society and governments worldwide to take a firm stance against this aggression, to speak out for peace, and to act in solidarity with those affected. We must stand together to demand justice and ensure that human rights and dignity are upheld for all. Without accountability, there will be no peace.
Read the full statement.
“Stop all genocide” seminar
Last week, SCI Italy has hosted a seminar called “Stop All Genocide”. Fabrizio tells us his reflections on power, privilege and solidarity.
Online Workshop on Saturday, October 26, 2024
🌍 Join Us for the Peace in Diversity Online Workshop! 🌍
📅 When? Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 10:00 – 14:00 CEST 📍 Where? Online (Zoom)