Silent Exhibition
Created by:
Topics: History and Peace
Project: Nonviolent European Resistance Project
Year of publication: 2021
Supported by: European Youth Foundation
Resource type: Other
On January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, SCI Austria decided to commemorate the victims of Nazi persecution and show its connections to today’s society. To this end, it created a silent online exhibition that traces the history of National Socialism in Austria, available for anyone to visit. The exhibition remembers National Socialism crimes, persecution, and resistance on Austrian territory with a special attention to non-violent forms of resistance. SCI Austria’s Silent Exhibition is organised as a follow-up activity of the online laboratory “Smash Nazism” which was part of the transnational project “Nonviolent European Resistance Project”. This project reflects on Nonviolent Resistance to Nazi-Fascism in Europe and is focused on stimulating people to actively engage in taking action against right-wing extremism and related forms of violence we are witnessing today.
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