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As a volunteer, you participate in SCI’s activities through either a branch or a partner that is part of SCI’s movement. A branch is a full member of SCI and much better established within the movement. They have shown their commitment to SCI’s values and missions and work together to create a culture of peace. A partner is a like-minded organisation who, while not being a full member of SCI, organises international voluntary projects and is working for a peaceful society. Partners are evaluated by SCI on a continuous basis in order to ensure high-quality projects and exchanges, both for the volunteers and the branches.
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All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation “Alternative-V” is a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental youth organization.
Status: Partner

Association Amitié Portugal-Luxembourg is an association of plural friendship that promotes intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.
Status: Partner

Asociación Pro Ayuda a la Niñez Nicaragüense (APAN) is a non-profit civil organisation, apartitic and humanitarian that works for the defense of the rights of the child, adolescents, young people and families in extreme poverty and social risk.
Status: Partner
ARCAS is a non-profit Guatemalan Civil Association formed in 1989 by a group of Guatemalan citizens who became concerned as they saw their precious natural heritage - especially their wildlife - rapidly disappearing before their eyes.
Website: https://arcasguatemala.org/
Status: Contact

AMVIAC is a Mexican organisation that promotes international volunteering in Mexico among young people and works on the development of Mexico through volunteering.
Website: https://www.amviac.org/
Status: Contact

A Mozambican non-governmental organization constituted by young volunteers of both sexes and dedicates, as the name suggests, to social, cultural and humanitarian volunteer work, among others. for the development of communities.
Status: Contact

Para Onde is a non-profit organization that seeks to bring different people together through volunteering. In this way, we not only bring people from different social backgrounds and ages together for the same goal.
Website: http://paraonde.org/
Status: Partner

ADP-Zid’s vision is society of equal and responsible citizens oriented towards democracy, social values and the balanced development of the community. We aim to promote and strengthen personal responsibility and active participation of young people.
Website: http://www.zid.org.me/
Status: Partner

The ASsociation TOgolaise des VOlontaires au Travail was created in 1957. With more than 60 years of experience, it is the first Togolese association of International Volunteering and one of the first West African associations.
Website: http://www.astovot.org/
Status: Partner

AVI Moldova is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.avimd.org/
Status: Group

AYAFE is one of the first young voluntary NGOs in Azerbaijan, established in November 1997 by the students with the general aim of contributing to the integration of Azerbaijan into the European Institutions.
Status: Partner

Baladna, Association for Arab Youth, is a developmental and capacity building agency for Arab-Palestinian youth in Israel.
Website: http://www.baladnayouth.org/
Status: Partner

BWA mission is to enhance leadership development through community voluntary discipline, participation and increase self-reliance for broad based sustainable development in construction, environmental management and conservation, economic empowerment, etc
Status: Partner

Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Perú (BVBP) is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: https://www.bvbperu.org/
Status: Contact

BSF – Balkan Sunflowers Kosovo is an international grassroots organisation, founded in 1999 to aid the Kosovar refugees. Volunteers from around the world saw the TV images of the war and refugee emergency. They wanted to help in ways that money could not.
Website: http://www.balkansunflowers.org/
Status: Partner

Cambodian Youth Action brings young people from different cultures together to live, share and discuss global issues, with the purpose of personal growth, social engagement, and sustainable development.
Website: https://cyacambodia.com/
Status: Partner

Citizens Association "Something More" (Nešto Više) is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.nestovise.org/
Status: Contact

CVS-Bulgaria is a non-governmental organisation that has worked in the field of international volunteer exchange since 1998 and follows its main aim to promote volunteering as a tool for active citizenship.
Website: http://www.cvs-bg.org/
Status: Branch

CREDI-ONG is a Beninese NGO committed to promoting a sustainable future, with an emphasis on the conservation of natural resources and community awareness.
Website: https://credi-ong.org/
Status: Contact

DaLaa coordinates the hosting of volunteers in active communities working for social growth and environmental preservation. Our vision: thriving through authenticity, responsibility, and inclusion.
Website: http://dalaa-thailand.com/
Status: Partner

DUHA Association is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.duha.cz/
Status: Partner

DUNIA is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

EVO – Espace Volontariat Oujda is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://evoujda.ma/
Status: Contact

Feria Walung is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Consciente is a non-profit association founded in 2012. While the Swiss association is responsible for financing and support, our local partner Fundación Consciente El Salvador co-designs and executes our projects. Both teams are in constant exchange.
Website: https://www.consciente.ch/en/homepage/
Status: Partner

Our main objective is the Protection and Conservation of the Environment, to promote the development of the community whose activities, are related with the environmental scope and local economy development.
Website: https://chiribogaecuador.wordpress.com/
Status: Partner

The mission of GAIA Kosovo is to work towards peace, social and environmental justice by being an example for alternative and regenerative ways of living.
Website: http://gaiakosovo.org/
Status: Branch

A non government organization which organizes international voluntary service in Indonesia. It consists of a long term dedicated volunteers who believe that through this movement, it gives the opportunity to all youth without exceptions and discrimination
Website: http://greatindonesia.org/
Status: Partner

Gönüllü Hizmetler Derneği is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://gonulluhizmetlerdernegi.org/
Status: Partner

Gotas de Agua is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

GSM – Gençlik Servisleri Merkezi is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.gsm.org.tr/
Status: Partner

HUJ Armenia is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.huj.am/
Status: Partner

IIWC of PKBI project including education, environment, heritage, culture, health, children, and community potential. Our project are also supporting global issues. We host individual volunteer, group volunteer, teen volunteer as well as family volunteer.
Website: http://iiwc-pkbi.org/
Status: Partner

INEX - Association for Voluntary Activities - is an NGO founded in 1991 whose primary activities are centered around the area of international voluntary work and intercultural education.
Website: http://www.inexsda.cz/
Status: Partner

INEX Slovakia is non-profit organization providing personal development and meaningful leisure time for young people throught international volunteering and non-formal education.
Website: http://www.inex.sk/
Status: Partner

IPDJ aims to boost support for associations, volunteering and promotion of citizenship, the occupation of free time, non-formal education, information and geographical mobility of young people in Portugal and abroad.
Website: https://ipdj.gov.pt/
Status: Partner

ID Norway is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.internasjonaldugnad.org/
Status: Branch

International Palestinian Youth League (IPYL) has the vision of empowering youth in order to confront the various economic, social and political challenges facing Palestine in the context of the on-going Israeli occupation of the West Bank.
Website: http://ipyl.org/
Status: Contact

IS, the International Secretariat of SCI is located in Antwerp, Belgium and its function is to bind and support its Members. It leads the movement toward its strategic goals, builds on achieved results and amplifies its impact.
Website: https://www.sci.ngo/
Status: International Secretariat

International Volunteers for Peace promotes peace through organising or assisting volunteer placement. It has operated projects since 1988 in many parts of Australia; it is run by and for volunteers.
Website: https://www.ivp.org.au/
Status: Branch

A non-profit non-political NGO established in 1991 with the purpose to promote youth and cultural exchanges for better understanding and fair world. It is a pioneer organization in the field of international voluntary service in Estonia.
Website: https://estyes.ee/
Status: Partner

SCI Sweden is a non-profit organization, founded in 1943. SCI Sweden is one of the 42 international branches which together constitue the network that is SCI, Service Civil International.
Website: https://ial.se/
Status: Branch

IVP stands for International Volunteers for Peace, founded in Indonesia in 2011. We are affiliated with SCI, a non-profit movement promoting peace, cultural exchange, and mutual understanding through international voluntary service and volunteer exchanges
Website: https://temanberkebun.com/ivpindonesia/
Status: Group

IBS Great Britain is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: https://ivsgb.org/
Status: Branch

Is a non-governmental organization that promotes peace and equality though grass-roots level voluntary work. We organize international voluntary workcamps in Finland and send volunteers abroad to participate in workcamps and long-term voluntary projects.
Website: http://www.kvtfinland.org/
Status: Branch

KVDA is an indigenous, non-political and membership organization, which is non-sectarian and non-profit making, started in 1962 as a work camp organization in Kenya.
Website: http://www.kvdakenya.org/
Status: Contact

The Kiburanga Women's Self-Help Group is a grassroot organization that was created in 2007
Website: http://volunteerkenya1.weebly.com/index.html
Status: Partner

Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program (KCEP) is a Community based non-profit organization that empowers needy community groups through regenerative actions to enable them achieve quality sustainable livelihoods.
Website: http://www.kipepeovolunteers.org/
Status: Partner

Le Fenagie is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

League of Volunteers Kyrgystan is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Les Ententes is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Lesotho Workcamps Association is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a volunteering and youth development oriented organisation.
Status: Contact

MCE – Mongolian Workcamp Exchange is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

MS Denmark is funded in 1944 and is the biggest organisation in Denmark doing International Volunteer Service. Each we send and host more than 1500 volunteers. Politically, we fight poverty and is mainly engaged in Denmark, Palestine and East Africa.
Website: http://globalcontact.dk/
Status: Partner

The Center of Youth of Civili Initiatives "Momavali" expresses and protects the interests of the youth and the younger generation, including those with disabilities, marginal and others at risk groups.
Status: Contact

MS Denmark Greenland is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

NATATE Natate Voluntariado Internacional A.C. is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

New Group SCI Belarus is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: https://sciby.org/
Status: Group

New Hope Waves Limited is a local non-profit organisation working among children, youth and their communities based in Livingstone, Zambia, Africa, which was initiated to create hope and the future in the lives of young people and their families.
Website: http://www.newhopewaves.org/
Status: Partner

NICE is an International Voluntary Service NGO mainly based in Japan, founded in 1990. NICE aims to achieve the Healthy & Colorful World through organizing various types of workcamps and exchanging the volunteers.
Website: https://www.nice1.gr.jp/
Status: Partner

Ngo working for peace, education, medical facilities.
Status: Contact

Popular Struggle Coordination Committee is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Project Hope Palestine is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.projecthope.ps/
Status: Partner

PVN is a non-profit organization aiming to promote and foster the culture of peace, inclusion, solidarity, human rights though mobility, intercultural learning and volunteering.
Website: http://pvnalbania.org/
Status: Branch

For more than 70 years, SCI-Projets internationaux, the belgian french speaking Branch of SCI, is proposing volunteer projects in Belgium and abroad, training and activities in education for citizenship and citizen mobilization.
Website: http://www.scibelgium.be/
Status: Branch

SCI Austria is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.sciaustria.org/
Status: Branch

SCI Hellas is an independent international sociopolitical organization working to defend human rights through international volunteering cooperation and solidarity projects aimed at establishing a culture of peace.
Website: http://www.sci.gr/
Status: Branch

SCI Hong Kong, China is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.scichina.org.hk/
Status: Group

SCI Japan is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.sci-japan.org/
Status: Branch

SCI Malaysia is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.sci-malaysia.org/
Status: Branch

SCI Poland is a non-governmental organisation promoting a culture of peace and mutual understanding by means of international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds, local initiatives and programmes of education.
Website: https://poland.sci.ngo/
Status: Branch

SCI Romania is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.sci.ro/
Status: Branch

SCI Slovenia – Zavod Voluntariat is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.zavod-voluntariat.si/
Status: Branch

SCI South Korea is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.scikorea.org/
Status: Branch

SCI to promote workcamps as a means to develop understanding between peoples and reduce violence during conflict; a means of creating bonds that will try to avoid war between countries.
Status: Branch

SCI Switzerland is the founding branch of SCI and is devoted to intercultural exchange, sustainable development and non-violent conflict resolution. SCI Switzerland has been organizing workcamps and long-term exchanges for volunteers since 1920.
Website: https://scich.org/
Status: Branch

SCI USA is a peace organization that co-ordinates short and long term voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.volunteersciusa.org/
Status: Branch

SEEDS is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.seeds.is/
Status: Partner

SCI Catalunya is one of the 42 branches of the international network of Service Civil International, an international volunteering movement for peace building.
Website: https://www.scicat.org/
Status: Branch

Service Civil International - Deutscher Zweig is the German branch of SCI International. We voluntary organisation promoting peace, social justice and a healthy environment throug short term and long term voluntary services.
Website: http://www.sci-d.de/
Status: Branch

SCI Bangladesh is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects and local initiatives for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://scibangladesh.org/
Status: Branch

The French branch of SCI, based in Lille. Its main tool to achieve its objectives is intercultural understanding via international volunteering.
Website: http://www.sci-france.org/
Status: Branch

SCI India works through voluntary work camps and other actions with national branches / groups. In India it has five groups in places such as Delhi, Maharastra, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andra Predesh.
Status: Branch

International workcamps, long and medium term volunteer projects for international volunteers, running of projects for local community and youth, and sending of Nepali volunteers in the workcamps and long-term volunteering projects abroad.
Status: Branch

NOTE: at the moment, volunteers from Spain (except Catalunya) are sent abroad by SCI Hellas, and trainings of outgoing volunteers are done by SCI Italy.
Website: http://www.ongsci.org/
Status: Branch

Lay association of international volunteering. Workcamps around the world since 1920.
Website: https://sci-italia.it/
Status: Branch

SPSD Pakistan is a small scale minority led organisation, working on Peace building, Minority Rights, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, Climate Justice, Human Rights, Solidarity Economy, Women Empowerment, ... in Pakistan.
Status: Contact

SAVWA contributes to develop South African communities both urban and rural through local, national, regional and international volunteers to work together for the cultural, economic, socio-political well-being of young people and marginalised persons.
Website: http://savwa.org.za/
Status: Partner

Space for Sustainable Development is a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organisation that works with youth, particularly those living in marginalised areas.
Status: Partner

SIW is a non-profit organisation and works towards the mission of stimulating people to broaden their horizon via international volunteer projects.
Website: https://www.siw.nl/
Status: Partner

SURCOD works to create communities that are self-sustained, where the population is healthy and fully empowered, and where all people are equal, know their rights and create their own development initiatives.
Website: http://www.surcodmalawi.org/
Status: Partner

SVI Mauritius is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Branch

Tamjdem connects young people eager to develop their personal skills, get new experience and make new friends with non-profit organisations running projects that can help them to grow.
Website: https://www.tamjdem.cz/
Status: Partner

Tent of Nations Palestine is an organisation whose mission is to build bridges between people, and between people and the land. They bring different cultures together to develop understanding and promote respect for each other and our shared environment.
Website: http://www.tentofnations.org/
Status: Partner

Union de la Jeunesse Fraternelle de Diébougou is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Unlimited Youth is an association which works in the Palestinian Refugee Camp of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the association is bringing the younger generation together in order to build ties between the various communities of the camp.
Status: Contact

UPA works to promote community based development, intercultural co-operation and youth participation through voluntary work.
Status: Partner

Our organisation consists of volunteers who believe that we can achieve a world, which is governed by sustainable development, mutual respect for each other and for other cultures, and non-violence through education and tutoring.
Website: http://www.utilapu.hu/
Status: Branch

UVIKIUTA is voluntary organization working to tackle poverty inequality and climate change through transformative education, active global citizenship and holistic experience that broaden minds, expand horizons and empower young people.
Website: https://uvikiuta.wixsite.com/uvikiuta
Status: Partner

Velebit Association Kuterevo (VAK) is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: https://kuterevomedvjedi.org/
Status: Partner

The association organises international youth exchanges with short term projects (workcamps) and long term projects (European Voluntary Service and «weltwärts») as sending, hosting and coordinating organization.
Website: http://www.vjf.de/
Status: Partner

VIA Netherlands – Stichting Vrijwillige International Aktie is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.stichtingvia.nl/
Status: Branch

VIVE Mexico is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: https://vivemexico.org/
Status: Partner

VSI is the Irish branch of Service Civil International, we work to promote peace, social justice, sustainable development and intercultural understanding; we do this through volunteering, education and awareness-raising in Ireland and internationally.
Website: http://www.vsi.ie/
Status: Branch

VOLU is non governmental organization working to promote intercultural acceptance and active citizenship through capacity building processes, education and youth work.
Status: Partner

Volunteers For Peace (VFP) is a non-profit organization offering over 3,000 voluntary service opportunities in more than 90 countries. VFP organizes, promotes, and supports international voluntary service as an effective means of intercultural education.
Website: http://www.vfp.org/
Status: Partner

Volunteers' Centre of Vojvodina is non-government organization focused on youth. It is established in 2005. with idea of raising awareness and promotion of volunteerism and idea of organizing workcamps as way of contribution in resolving problems.
Website: http://volontiraj.rs/
Status: Branch

Volunteers' Centre Zagreb (VCZ) is a civil society organisation dedicated to development and promotion of volunteering.
Website: http://www.vcz.hr/
Status: Branch

Volunteers for Peace Vietnam (VPV) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was founded in 2005 to provide help and education to people in both urban and rural Vietnam.
Website: http://www.vpv.vn/
Status: Partner

VSF – Volontariat Sans Frontière is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

VWAN – Voluntary Workcamps Association of Nigeria is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Branch

VYA – Vision Youth Action Taiwan is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Website: http://www.vya.org.tw/
Status: Partner

WeCollab is a Colombian non-profit organisation that aims to strengthen international understanding and social participation as tools for peace education.
Website: https://wecollab-ong.co/
Status: Contact

WOSOVO promotes health, education, cross-cultural immersion, and community development by involving both local and international volunteers in developmental projects and cross-cultural programs.
Website: http://www.wosovo.org/
Status: Contact

A non-profit, non-political NGO officially established in 1976 as a network of organizations, societies, clubs and sections with research programmes, gathered around the coordinative office on the national level in Belgrade.
Website: http://www.mis.org.rs/
Status: Partner

Youth and Change Association (Gençlik ve Değişim Derneği) is founded in order to gain power to relationship between youth, women and administration.
Status: Contact

YDA is a Palestinian civil association, specialized in youth issues. YDA was established in 2003 by a group of Palestinian youth. Its programs focus on: training the young leaders, encouraging the voluntary work and empowering youth.
Status: Contact

Young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, have established Youth for Peace to promote dialogue, interfaith and inter-ethnic cooperation, to end all kinds of violence and to create a culture of peace and justice for youth.
Website: https://www.youth-for-peace.ba/en/
Status: Contact

Youth for the Future is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Youth Volunteer Center Sodrujestvo is an organisation for volunteers that promotes volunteering, positive attitude and optimism, with special attention to respect for the environment.
Website: https://sodvo.ru/
Status: Partner

Zajel Youth Exchange Program is an organisation whose aim is to promote peace and further the Palestinian cause through cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Palestinian youth and the rest of the world.
Website: https://youth.najah.edu/
Status: Partner

ZAYDO is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Status: Partner

Zimbabwe Workcamps Association (ZWA)was founded in October 1993. It a non-political, non-sectarian, voluntary organisation. Its membership is open to anyone above the age of sixteen irrespective of nationality, religion, race, political view or educationa
Website: http://zimworkcamps.com/
Status: Partner