c/ Carme 95, Baixos 2a, Barcelona
Spain, CatalunyaPhone number: +34 93 441 70 79
Get in touch!
This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.
Write to them!
Since 1982 we have been working to promote international volunteering and peace education as means of social transformation in Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Andorra. We are doing so with a vision of associative base and in a network with local and international organizations.
Resources by this organization:
- Volunteerism for peace: memory and present
- Modules for Global Justice
- Free to be You and Me – a living toolkit for group leaders
- What I need to know to be a mentor
- Climate Guidelines for Volunteer Projects
- Guidelines for Eco-Camps
- Intersectional Protocol for Preventing and Combatting Colonial and Patriarchal Violence
Read about wokcamps hosted by this organization: