Strategic plan

SCI has worked with a Strategic Plan since 2008. The current Strategic Plan gives the Movement a direction for the years 2024-2027.

The Strategic Plan 2024-2027 outlines SCI’s goals and actions for these years as we strive to create a peaceful and just world through international volunteering projects. By implementing this plan, we aim to make a lasting impact on global peacebuilding, personal growth, and environmental sustainability.

We invite our branches, volunteers, activists, partners, and everyone who cares about peace and the environment to join us on this journey. Together, we can make a difference and build a more peaceful and sustainable world. Let’s work together to create a better future for everyone.

Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, inspiring individuals worldwide to become agents of peace.

Strategic Plan 2024-2027 cover page

The Strategic Plan identifies the main strategic goals, objectives, actions and KPIs of the Movement: four goals and 17 objectives to focus on during the years 2024 to 2027.

Goal 1: Expand SCI

Expanding Service Civil International (SCI) is driven by our belief in the transformative power of international volunteering. SCI aims to create a lasting impact on global peacebuilding, personal growth, and environmental sustainability. Through initiatives that foster inner peace, connect individuals with nature, and promote understanding among diverse cultures, we work towards a harmonious world. By expanding SCI, we empower individuals to find peace within themselves, forge a sustainable relationship with the environment, and build bridges of understanding with others. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, inspiring individuals worldwide to become agents of peace.


Objective 1.1

Increase awareness of SCI

Objective 1.2

Strengthen partnerships and collaboratitions

Objective 1.3

Increase volunteer recruitment and partiticipatition

Objective 1.4

Diversify project portftfolio

Objective 1.5

Encourage expansion to other regions

Goal 2: Reach a higher level of sustainability at branch and international levels by capacity building and diversifying financial resources

SCI faces the negative impact of the Covid pandemic as well as a widening range of competing voluntary service activities offered by other organisations/companies and official agencies. Most SCI branches are managed by a small number of paid staff and volunteers. They have expressed the need to strengthen their competences in managing an organisation, organising projects, writing project applications and reports as well as fundraising. At the international level, there is a need to diversify sources of income to avoid becoming dependent upon a small number of donors.

Objective 2.1

Strengthen organisatitional capacity

Objective 2.2

Support to branches

Objective 2.3

Encourage networking and collaboratition among the branches, partners and groups

Objective 2.4

Ensure financial stability and sustainability

Goal 3: Empower SCI activists with peace education activities to increase our impact around Peace with self, others and nature

SCI has extensive experience, tools, and resources on peacebuilding and peace education, which can be great resources for peace activities. They need to be further promoted and used within and outside the movement. In addition, due to the new world developments, there is a need to develop new tools and methods that are open and accessible to everyone. Activists play a crucial role in extending peace activities and organising them with high quality and impact on an international and local level. To achieve such an impact, activists and members have to be empowered, and then encouraged and supported to practice and share what they have learned. We encourage sustainable activism, practise what we preach by using three levels of peace (self, others and nature) by using for example environmentally-friendly means of transport, sustainable use of materials, as well as practising non-violent communication in our branches, with volunteers and with all of our partners outside the movement.

Note: With activists we refer to members of the SCI structure, activists and volunteers

Objective 3.1

Empower actitivists through capacity building on peacebuilding and peace educatition

Objective 3.2

Encourage and support actitivists to practitise and share what they have learned by organising follow-up peace actitivitities

Objective 3.3

Practitise what you preach on all levels of peace (selves, others and nature)

Goal 4: Be proactive in the areas of Climate and Social justice, recognizing the ongoing and future developments in society

Building on our more than 100-year history of volunteering for peace that makes SCI unique in this field, we seek to meet the ongoing and future developments in society in the areas of Climate and Social Justice. We will do this by being proactive and committed to continuing our work as an international volunteering network of change makers to the benefit of society and the planet. As Climate and Social Justice issues threaten world peace, SCI has a specific role to play in awareness raising and empowering people to face these challenges and promote peace, using an intersectional approach. We also seek to collaborate with other like minded IVS organisations to spread our peace message through volunteering actions.

Objective 4.1

SCI IEC/IS/Branches engage actitively towards peace actitions streamlined to address new emerging social, environmental and polititical ideas which fit into its values

Objective 4.2

Connect more with both social and climate justitice movements worldwide, seeking grants and funding for both climate-related projects and social justitice projects

Objective 4.3

Be more visible as a relevant actor in motitivatiting and enabling collectitive actition and collaboratition between members, to address social and environmental challenges

Objective 4.4

Make a priority to incorporate climaterelated concerns into all actitivitities and new projects, given the urgency of the climate crisis, the need for collectitive actition to address it, as well as its connectition to peaceful cohabitatition between all species of the planet

Objective 4.5

Make a priority to incorporate social justitice-related concerns into all actitivitities and new projects, given the disrespect for human rights and the unequal distributition of resources among the members of global society, the need for collectitive actition to address this as well as its connectition to peaceful cohabitatition between all people