
International projects are one of the tools helping the SCI Movement achieve its strategic goals and strengthen the organisation in the following key areas: cooperation, sharing, advocacy, financial strength and transparency, capacity building, and communication.

International projects can also support new or existing campaigns or programmes in SCI.

The projects are organised in cooperation with SCI branches and partners thanks to the financial support of the Europe for Citizens programme, Erasmus+ Programme, the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the UNESCO’s Participation Programme. On this page you will find all the information about them.

Current projects

Group picture in a field

Peace in Diversity

January 2024 -June 2025

The Peace in Diversity aims to promote peaceful coexistence, conflict resolution, and civic engagement in European communities. Through a series of international training courses and webinars, participants will gain valuable skills and tools for fostering peaceful coexistence, effectively managing conflict, and contributing to a more just and equitable society.

Group picture in a field

Peace for Nature

February – December 2024

P.E.A.C.E. for Nature (Participate in Environmental Activism through Civic Engagement for Nature) is a project coordinated by SCI’s Climate Team. The climate crisis is one of the most pressing global issues society faces nowadays. SCI’s mission as a peace organisation should be actively engaged in climate activism. With this project, directed mainly at youth workers, we want to prepare more SCI’s activists for training youth and facilitating the process of creating diverse, sustainable and effective movement within SCI.


23-29 April 2024

FLOW is a training for learning about facilitation in a non-formal education setting, and gaining an insight into sustainable and inclusive project design and management. Well-qualified trainers are needed to lead these projects and ensure their effectiveness and sustainablity.

Past projects

Group picture in a field

No War Anywhere!

January – December 2023

No War Anywhere! brought together people from Europe to learn and exchange about alternatives to antimilitarism, to advocate for more peace and less militarism.

Young people led advocacy campaigns in their communities. The team developed throughout these activities an online (free) course about antimilitarist advocacy and communication.

Group picture in a field

Grassroots Change

November 2020 – August 2023

Grassroots aims to improve the quality of short and long-term voluntary projects between the Global South and the Global North by investing in leadership and mentoring trainings for the youth organisations involved as well as by creating tools for the sending and hosting organisations.

SCI Catalunya is leading the project, that also involves organisations from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Finland, Mozambique, South Africa, Italy and Belgium.

photo taken during the training in Pretoria

Forging Ubuntu

The power of degendering volunteering for climate justice in Africa

August 2022 – March 2023

Forging Ubuntu seeked to strenghten cooperation between 6 youth and community organisations, in Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya and Mozambique, to address climate change and gender inequalities, through hands-on local actions.

The actions ranged from street actions for gender equality awareness to permaculture workcamps.

FUNding Peace

Learn to develop sustainable and inclusive projects

April – November 2022

FUNding Peace connected and boosted young people to initiate quality projects that are in line with SCI’s vision, mission and values.

One of the outcomes is an online course, available for free and open to all on SCI’s learning platform. Its aim is to support young people in building their non-formal education projects, with three main areas: project management, sustainability and inclusivity.

From Dreams to Actions

Together for a peaceful future

April – December 2021

The project empowered young people to become peace envoys who can implement various actions on the local level. The project aimed to promote values of peace and non-violence, to encourage active participation and civic engagement and to increase the quality and the number of youth projects for peace, inclusion, and non-violence.


Facilitating, Learning, Organising and Welcoming!
A critical Training of Trainers

March – June 2021

In this online Training of Trainers, we discussed the most important skills, methods and approaches to get in a good flow while initiating, organising and managing educational projects. As an extra, we had a closer look at how power structures can be reproduced in the organisation of projects and how we can integrate SCI values on all levels of organising educational projects.

Peace in Practice

Enjoy the diversity of non-formal learning tools

January 2020 – March 2021

As a peace organisation in its 100th year of work, SCI wanted to take the opportunity to renew its energies in peace activism and peace education. Particularly, through this project we wanted to offer opportunities for young people to help to contribute to a more peaceful world. We created tools for young people and partner organisations to be (re-)energised to spread messages of peace in their communities!

Gendered realities

January – December 2019

“Gendered Realities” is an annual Work Plan for 2019, aimed at increasing understanding of the gender topic and the present realities in SCI activities. The Work Plan consisted of two international activities and a series of local follow-up actions, and produced different useful resources.


Art for Balanced and Cultural Diversity

22 – 27 July 2019

Which art tools can help you promote the importance and value of diversity and social inclusion? A key question participants from 9 countries were exploring during the ABCD training course that was organised in July 2019 in Antwerp (Belgium) by the International Secretariat of SCI in cooperation with the SCI’s Pool of trainers and facilitators.

Share, Experience, Get Inspired!

Enjoy the diversity of non-formal learning tools

1 August 2018 – 31 May 2019

The project aimed at increasing the capacity of the partner organisations by supporting the professional development and enhancement of the competences of their youth workers in fostering creativity, participation, sharing, cooperation, mutual learning and innovation in the field of non-formal learning. The main project activity concerned the implementation of an international capacity-building seminar.

Peace in the Spotlight

08 – 12 April 2019

Peace in the Spotlight trained young people to be ‘peace messengers’, with the training paying special attention to the topics of gender and refugees.
In collaboration with Voice of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE) and supported by the Strasbourg European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe, the project consisted in a study session in France followed by local actions in the participants’ countries.

From small steps to big changes

Tackling discrimination in everyday life

01 January 2018 – 31 August 2018

The project “From Small Steps to Big Changes” aims to tackle the growing discriminatory attitudes and practices in the contemporary EU. It consists of two main parts: the training course “From Small Steps to Big Changes: Tackling discrimination in everyday life”, and follow up actions in the respective countries of the participants in the training course.

Branching out

(Re)connecting ideas

January – December 2018

Branching out: (re)connecting ideas is a project supported by European Youth Foundation that focuses on collecting and sharing best practices when it comes to working with refugees and asylum seekers. The project is part of the Building Bridges campaign.


Peace activism through lessons from history of forced migration

November 2016 – January 2018

PATH was a project which proposed a concept for defining and understanding current tendencies of forced migration. The participants looked at lessons from the past and worked with remembrance as an inspiration for present and future peace activism.

Peers to Peace

Peer learning and peer support for Capacity Building in international volunteer work

December 2016 – August 2018

The project explored peer learning as a tool to share expertise and strengthen the SCI branches worldwide mainly in the fields of volunteers’ management, project management, knowledge management, financial management and fundraising.

A route to connect

January – December 2017

A Route To Connect focused on spreading awareness about the refugee situation in the Balkan route, giving a voice to the stories of refugees and empowering youngsters to take action.

Global Volunteer Action

Networking, capacity building, non-formal education and innovation in international youth and volunteer work

March 2015 – June 2016

Global Volunteer Action was an SCI global project that focused on youth volunteering in Europe and Asia (and beyond). Youth and voluntary service organizations faced several challenges, and Global Volunteer Action aimed to find a common space where they could be shared and discussed, a space that could provide and create common solutions.

Memory beyond rhetoric

The WWI and the growth of the pacifist movement in Europe

October 2014 – February 2016

Memory beyond Rhetoric was a remembrance project focused on WWI and the growth of the pacifist movement in Europe. It aimed to promote a mature idea of peace, anti-militarism and non-violence. The project critically analysed the image of soldiers-heroes and wanted to contribute to a real understanding of the history and diversity of the European Union, which was created to guarantee peace.