Our publications

My Well-Being Kit
This specially designed kit is packed with helpful tools and activities to support mental health, reduce stress, and encourage a positive mindset. From mindfulness exercises to self-care tips, it’s everything you need to build healthy habits and boost well-being.

Decolonize Volunteering: Embrace Awareness and Inspire Action!
This is an educational tool designed to give you a deeper and clearer understanding of volunteering and “volontourism”.

Intersectional Protocol for Preventing and Combatting Colonial and Patriarchal Violence
SCI Catalunya has had a protocol to address sexist and LGTBIQ-phobic aggressions since 2021. However, the protocol is a living tool that must be worked on and expanded. In 2023 thet expanded it to include all areas of the entity. This year, continuing wit

IVS: 90 years and counting Volunteers’ Reflections
IVS: 90 Years and Counting. Volunteers’ Reflections”, is a commemorative selection of memories marking the 90th anniversary of IVS. It features 17 personal stories from volunteers, collected as part of the IVS Memories Project, which began in 2021.

E-TICK – Online Course on Ethical Communication
This online course, launched in 2020 designed to help participants explore communication from various angles, including ethics and power, while improving critical thinking and media literacy. Recently updated with new content and visuals, the course features four interactive modules combining reading, videos, quizzes, and journaling to enhance learning. It’s open to everyone.

Depth Education For Youth (DEFY)
The DEFY project started in 2023 and is a three-year program for educators. It helps them explore tough emotions and uncomfortable topics. Through art, diaries, and group talks, participants think about trauma, injustice, and their own identities, aiming to build deeper understanding and connections.

K-SPACE Project
K-SPACE project focuses on volunteers who returned from their workcamp.
Within the project, a strategy on how to work with these returnees as well as a portfolio of post-arrival activities have been developed. Also, new session plans for evaluation meetings are part of it. The whole concept has a lot to do with community building and creating a tighter relationship between participants and organizations.

The COMPACT Project Journey
Zavod Voluntariat is thrilled to share with you the progress of the COMPACT project, in partnership with Grenzenlos and INEX SDA.

A Climate Justice Policy Box
This toolkit provides a comprehensive collection of ideas and practical guidance for incorporating climate justice into your organization’s policies, encouraging a sustainable and equitable future!

Interactive Global Map of Young Climate Activists
This ‘Green Diversity?!’ Global Map is a platform for young people from a variety of backgrounds where they tell their stories and make their claims for climate justice to be heard by a wider audience.

Green Diversity! Storytelling for Climate Justice
In this toolkit, you will find useful information on these topics: educational work, talks about sustainability and climate protection, and how marginalised and disadvantaged people around the world suffer most from the effects of climate change. You can use the presented methods in any setting that suits you. Use the material to train yourself and others in speaking up for our climate.

Climate Justice Education for Rural Youth
This toolkit, created by Pangeuya Ultima UKR in collaboration with SCI Deutscher Zweig e.V., illustrates the use of non-formal education as a method to address and combat the climate crisis. Through innovative approaches and practical activities, the toolkit provides valuable resources and strategies to engage communities and encourage sustainable environmental practices.

Youth Urban Action Toolkit
This Manual is specifically designed for NGOs and organisations working with children and youth, particularly in non-formal education. It provides theoretical foundations, practice-oriented methods, and best practice examples to enhance the understanding of urban spaces and promote the participation, inclusion, and well-being of children and youth in urban environments

Actionkit for societal engagement
This actionkit was created by Tanya Möller Forastieri as a personal project during her placement as a European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteer in Service Civil International (SCI) Italy. Together with a team of engaged volunteers from three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa, they put together this toolkit of different methods through which you can be active in your local, regional, national or international society. The material consists of examples from different countries, mostly Europe, where you can get an insight on how active participation in society can look for different people, passionate in making a change in diverse ways.

Guidelines for Eco-Camps
This tooklkit brings together already existing material from SCI branches and partners which could be useful for eco-camps.

Quality Volunteering Guide
This guide is meant to equip the reader with the necessary ground experience, tools and processes to enable them to engage more in hosting volunteers, ensuring both their well-being and benefiting society in a greater way than before.

Climate Guidelines for Volunteer Projects
This toolkit is meant to map the previous toolkits
and resources, and educate regarding the climate crisis
in the planet.Today climate change is for us what
World War I was to Pierre Cérésole -the founder of SCI
in early XX century: it presents a growing
threat to peace, nonviolence and human rights.

Infographic on Inclusion in Non-Formal Education
It tackles the topic of how to make our non-formal learning activities more inclusive. It collects and summarizes the practical information and tips & tricks shared during the project activities and gives specific advice on how to equally include participants with fewer opportunities.

Infographic on Environmentally Sustainable Non-Formal Education!
A recipe for more Environmentally Sustainable Non-Formal Education

Facilitator’s Cards
a checklist on how to organise a good learning process. They include important/key aspects of organising any learning process (from needs analysis to concrete activities and evaluation). Each card tackles a different step of the process, includes useful information on the card topic, and a possibility to write personal notes.

What I need to know to be a mentor
This infographic is a simple guide to the role of the mentor in an LTV project. It contains the basic tasks, timeline, and tips. It can be a nice introductory document for someone interested in being a volunteer mentor!

Detox your project
This booklet contains information about gender and discrimination, an introduction to masculinities and finally guidelines on how to deal with toxic masculinities on a daily basis and also on our organizations.

Peace on the streets
This toolkit collects antimilitarist educational methods and tools for doing street activism against war and militarisation.
It has been developed with the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, under the project ‘No War Anywhere’. The content of this toolkit is
inspired by the activities of No War Anywhere and the participants interest in anti-militarism education, anti-militarist activism & peace education, and based on previous toolkits created by SCI Austria as part of a series of anti-war projects from 2019 to 2022.

Climate beyond classism
The handbook is the result of the seminar “Climate Beyond Classism”, which discussed the challenges of social class in the context of the climate crisis. The participants shared their experiences in the climate and environmental movement, in the labor movement and in international voluntary work.

Image Mapping
This manual explores international youth projects and volunteering camps in the countryside and it is for everyone who wants to strengthen the local impact of international volunteering projects and discuss how to make it better!

Go Natural
Participants of the project “Go Natural: Add Quality to Your Life” have created a booklet which is a very good tool with practical information about healthy lifestyle, sustainable food and environment.

The Gender Effect
This Booklet is an outcome of “Gender Effect”, an international Training financed by Erasmus+ and it is an extension to the “Free to be you and me” toolkit. Included in this booklet there are two aspects important for youth workers to keep in mind in order to create gender-inclusive projects: empowerment and creating a safer space. Some new methods and resources are added in this booklet as well.

Be your country
“Be your country?!” is a manual about nationality and culture in international exchange projects. It is the outcome of the seminar „Be your country?! Deconstructing culture in (international) youth work and non-formal education“ organised in December 2021 by Service Civil International Österreich.

ENTRE TERRES is an educational guide on migrations in the Mediterranean. The aim of this material is to provide tools for educational institutions, schools and institutes to address the issue of refugees with young people and children, from a perspective of peacebuilding and social transformation. The name of the resource seeks to rescue the etymological meaning of the word mediterranean (mediterraneus) and a vision of the old Mare Nostrum as a space for exchange, communication and meeting.

Free to be You and Me – a living toolkit for group leaders
SCI and volunteers from partner organisations in Africa created this Living Toolkit as a resource for organising activities which are safe and inclusive when it comes to gender.
The toolkit is created as an output of the project ‘Grassroots Change’ (coordinated by SCI Catalunya) which is tackling Gender and Decolonisation in international volunteering. With the work and input of African partner organisations, SCI’s existing gender toolkit ‘Free to be You and Me’ was updated to be useful for African realities. It highlights inspiring past activities on gender in Africa and beyond, new non-formal education methods, and diverse resources.

Nonviolent Communication Games Package
The educational package contains 5 games aimed to learn and practice Nonviolent Communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg. They have different degree of difficulty, staring from the easiest one for players with basic knowledge about the NVC method.
It was created in 2021 during the project Volunteering vs. Violence – let’s turn theory into practice financed by Erasmus+ Program and coordinated by One World Association – Service Civil International Poland.
You can find it in 10 different languages! English, Polish, German, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian and Russian.

Street Action Kit
Is it time to put your dreams to action? Are wondering how to plan a street action on peace?
This toolkit is all about creating a successful street action and making it visible!

The Power Behind Good Intentions
This toolkit deals with global power structures in volunteering and takes up issues such as global justice, racism, climate justice, colonial history, the relation between the Global South and the Global North and others.

SCI Peace Cards
The SCI Peace Cards are a tool to spark a discussion on peace, non-violence, and activism. Each set contains 56 cards with quotes connected to the above topics, and 4 additional cards with instructions and further information on SCI and the “From Dreams to Actions” project.

What will I do for peace today?
The posters were created in the framework of the Peace in Practice project that was co-funded by Movetia and the Council of Europe through the European Youth Foundation.
The designs were created by SCI Switzerland and the content by the participants and trainers of the Peace in Practice Training Course.
We have different versions and you are free to choose your preferred size, format, colour and symbol combination!
We can also translate it into your language. Besides English, we already have the versions in Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian.

Centennial Anniversary Commemorative Souvenir
SCI India West Bengal Group created this Commemorative Souvenir to celebrated the 100 years anniversary of Service Civil International. The book brings you the experience of peace volunteers/activists and focuses on the history of SCI India in particular along with their activities in promoting peace.

Modules for Global Justice
Global Justice Capsules are training resources that help in understanding the world in relation to global inequalities, conflicts, discrimination and violations of rights.

Words about Deeds
This is the most extensive book yet on the history of Service Civil International. Different articles present important steps and milestones, interesting and exemplary projects and workcamps as well as original sources and portraits of activists from the first 100 years of SCI.

Silent Exhibition
The exhibition remembers National Socialism crimes, persecution, and resistance on Austrian territory with a special attention to non-violent forms of resistance.

A manual that explores humor in non-formal education and youth projects.

Time to face gendered realities
The booklet summaries the results of the Assessment Tool, a survey conducted to understand how safe and inclusive SCI activities are when it comes to gender and sexuality.

Gender-sensitive name tags
These name tags want to make it easier to include a gender perspective in group activities by encouraging participants to think about gender as a spectrum and not as a binary (Male/Female) concept.

A daily plate of peace and non-violence: Cookbook
The cookbook is addressed to everyone who wants to cook in a responsible way with groups of young people or adults. It gives tips and tricks for conscious cooking in groups and many recipes for a plant-based, regional and seasonal diet during group projects.

A daily plate of peace and non-violence: Toolkit
The toolkit is addressed to everyone who wants to work with young people, adults and groups on the problems, effects and alternatives of our food system.

Cookbook for the youth leaders
This toolkit, aimed at coordinators of youth exchanges, volunteer projects, workcamps and at youth workers, provides information and tools on group management and facilitation and can be used in youth work or other relevant educational contexts.

Free to be you and me – short
The toolkit provides information on gender and sexuality, along with practical guidelines and easy-to-use tools to help leaders address the topic of gender and sexuality in their activities.
Here you can also find translated versions in Albanian, Bulgarian, French, Greek, Macedonian and Serbian, as well as the original long version in English and a Spanish translation.

Free to be You and Me
The toolkit provides comprehensive information on gender and sexuality, along with practical guidelines and easy-to-use tools to help leaders address the topic of gender and sexuality in their activities.
Here you can also find a version in Spanish and shorter versions in English, Albanian, Bulgarian, French, Greek, Macedonian and Serbian.

Go Visual!: Icon Dictionary on Migration and Refugees
This booklet provides a visual support to teachers and educators to easily explain concepts like: refugee, persecution, migration, discrimination, support, integration. This is especially suitable for a group of people who do not share the same first language.

Volunteerism for peace: memory and present
The exhibition, in Catalan, displays the history of the peace work that SCI did with refugees and during the Spanish civil war, as well as in other key historical moments.

SCI – Moving Forward
This book will make it easier for you to understand how SCI works internationally.