Created by:
Topics: Refugees
Year of publication: 2022
Supported by: Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya; Consell de Joventut de Barcelona; Consell Nacional de Joventut de Catalunya
Resource type: Booklet
ENTRE TERRES is an educational guide on migrations in the Mediterranean. The aim of this material is to provide tools for educational institutions, schools and institutes to address the issue of refugees with young people and children, from a perspective of peacebuilding and social transformation. The name of the resource seeks to rescue the etymological meaning of the word mediterranean (mediterraneus) and a vision of the old Mare Nostrum as a space for exchange, communication and meeting. This is a work carried out jointly by Stop Maremortum, Servei Civil Internacional and the Eduxarxa cooperative with the support of Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya, the Consell de Joventut de Barcelona and the Consell Nacional de Joventut de Catalunya. It consists of 5 parts:
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