PO BOX 161, Isibania 40414, Kenya
KenyaGet in touch!
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The Kiburanga Women’s Self-Help Group is a grassroot organization that was created in 2007
1) Involve women in economic development and productivity;
2) Involve women in the fight against HIV/AIDS and drug abuse;
3) Involve women in sensitizing the community on the risks of FGM;
4) Involve women in the promotion of gender equality in the society;
5) Develop Kuria’s cultural center
6) Conserve environment by encouraging tree planting;
7) Develop an orphanage to take care of HIV/AIDS orphans
1) Conduction voluntary seminars to educate members fo the society on various objectives ;
2) Organizing video shows to educate and inform members of the society in meeting ;
3) Organizing Kurian cultural shows to promote its culture;
4) Attending seminars organized by other organization
stated objectives to acquire knowledge and pass it to the society;
5) Collaborate with various organization/institutions in order to achieve the objectives stated ;
6) Raising nursery beds for trees and organizing tree planting days