18 Habankim St.
P.O. Box 99604, Haïfa 31996, Israel (IL)
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Baladna, Association for Arab Youth, is a developmental and capacity building agency for Arab-Palestinian youth in Israel.
Why we are
Arab citizens in Israel -a sizeable minority of approximately 18%- are the poorest and most marginalized community in the country. According to the latest OECD report (2018), the major disparities marked by the Israeli society contribute to significant gaps with outcomes in the labor market, education and earnings.
What we do
Baladna works to enable and strengthen the Arab youth’s understanding and application of the principles of democracy and gender equality, pluralism and tolerance; and advances youth empowerment and community building, as part of a growing trend towards building independent institutions and equalizing the Palestinian community’s relationship with the State.
Mission and values
Baladna envisions a future in which Arab Palestinian youth in Israel play a key role in advancing community development; specifically, improvement in Arab youth’s human rights reality from a wider perspective that fosters youth activism and advocacy based on deep understanding of the implications imposed by the broader socio-political context to their daily lives.
Our goals
Strengthen the Arab youth’s understanding and application of the principles of democracy and gender equality, pluralism and tolerance. – Foster awareness about the socio-political context that surrounds Arab youth and its linkage and implications to their daily lives. – Build youth’s capacities and empower them to take leadership roles in their localities and community on the different levels, as well as enabling the needed spaces and frameworks for youth activism.