SCI Switzerland, Monbijoustrasse 32, 3011 Bern
SwitzerlandGet in touch!
This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.
Write to them!
SCI Switzerland is a non-profit-organisation which stands for intercultural exchange, sustainable development and non-violent conflict resolution. It is certified with the Intermundo-SQS-label, which guarantees high quality standards in youth exchange. SCI Switzerland has been organizing workcamps and long-term exchanges for volunteers worldwide since 1920.
Each year, more than 100 volunteers from Switzerland engage in SCI projects abroad, while around 200 international volunteers work in projects in Switzerland. Swiss workcamps have a main focus on the work and exchange with children and youth living in asylum-seeking centres as well as environmental protection.
Resources by this organization:
Read about wokcamps hosted by this organization:
- Becoming a SCI officer
- Ray of green
- The house is on fire
- What is it like to volunteer with SCI Switzerland?
- Wikipedia for peace – workcamp on climate justice
- Nature Park Alp Experience
- My workcamp in the mountains
- The perfect EVS project
- The beginning of my EVS story
- Workcamp in Hölstein
- Workcamp for the local project “Pro Terra Engiadina”
- It is
- My inner healing is simultaneously contributing to healing of the world
- Work is Love in Action