Jalan Manggasari No.58B, Tegalrejo Salatiga, Central Java
IndonesiaGet in touch!
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GREAT is a national NGO concerns in youth development through international voluntary service (IVS). In conducting its activity, GREAT partners with organizations/ institutions both within and outside the country. Having received its legal recognition by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Republic Indonesia on September 2015, GREAT was established by a group of youth activists back in August 2015 who have long experiences in the field of IVS with a strong determination, belief and a dream together that the IVS is a movement adequate of providing access to the youth in particular, and anyone to become agents of change locally, nationally and globally towards world peace.
The aim of the association is to inspire young generation as an agent of change towards the world peace and friendship through the following dimensions:
- International Voluntary Service, to promote the value of International Voluntary Service and to create space for the youth to study and understand living in diversity.
- Participation, to invite the young generation to participate in the endeavour to realize and initiate world peace.
- Empowerment, to support youth & society empowerment to realize the living based on harmony in diversity.
- Sustainability, to encourage living in harmony between society and environment.
Four values that we believe: volunteering, harmony in diversity, environmentally friendly, non-violence and solidarity.
GREAT activities based on the long term Strategic Plan are as follows:
- Promotion events to share value of international voluntary based on Universal Charter of Voluntary Service.
- IVS projects within the themes of environment, human rights, peace, cultural diversity, disability, health, and sustainable development.
- Trainings, workshops and seminars, mainly for youth but also for public.
- IVS programs in the scheme of short term volunteering (international, group, bilateral and trilateral workcamps, middle term volunteering and long term volunteering).
- Networking in local, regional, and international level.
- Capacity building to develop the professional, responsible, transparent, and sustain function of recourses within organization.
- Research and use other studies related to youth and IVS to develop our movement.
GREAT area or works include gender & human rights, environment, active participation, education for all especially for vulnerable children, cultural heritage, and youth skills development. We are affiliated in national, regional, and international networks such as the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), Alliance, Service Civil International, and Network for Voluntary Development in Asia.