Rua do Brado Africano Nr 15B, Polana Cimento, Maputo
MozambiqueGet in touch!
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In the year of 1999, in partnership with the Directorate of Social Affairs of Maputo City, it developed a research work on youth delinquency.
In 2000, in partnership with the United Nations Food Program (PMA), AJOV developed a program called, food for work involving about 280 families in the reconstruction of Boanine in Tenga, a Location in district of Moamba, Maputo Province.
In 2002, in partnership with UNICEF, Kitabu and Nyamunda Colleges we carried out a supporting program for children at Uachavane Primary School with school material in the district of Moamba, Maputo province.
In 2005, in partnership with UNICEF and the Department of the Fight against HIV-AIDS of the Ministry of Health, we developed a program with activities to support the orphans and vulnerable children in Machava Administrative Post, Maputo province.
In 2012, in partnership with Ministério da Mulher e Acção Social, AJOV organized a workshop subordinated to, the volunteering role on social development of communities. The workshop involved students from Secondary schools, universities and individualities.
In 2012, AJOV held a seminar at the conference room of Josina Machel Secondary School, involving the whole society of Maputo City and Maputo province, a in favour of children. Such seminar aimed to support the ill-favoured children of that Moamba district.
2013-implements a number of community development projects with the participation of international volunteers in partnership with ONG’s: SJ (France) CADIP (Canada), LEGAMBIENTE (Italy), VOLTRA (China), UVIKIUTA (Tanzania) UNAREC (France) SVI (Belgium) among other NGOs,
AJOV has two major areas of intervention, according to the needs of the communities.
- It supports children in difficult situations, street kids, in a program called, Collecting the Youth, whose goal is to reach/help about 10.000 children of Maputo province, Gaza and Inhambane;
- Train the community in civic education;
- Support in the awareness building and prevention of STD/HIV-AIDS;
- Support in the extra-school teaching programs, elementary education, and basic education;
- Support professional training programs, formation through craft;
- Distribution of foodstuff to the communities in any emergency situation.
- Support women through microfinance in the region, is a very important factor in the communities.
- It supports the accomplishment of social infrastructures, education and sanitary programs;
- Support water supply;
- Support the training of Mozambicans, in youth associative movement;
- Re-opening and cleaning of the tertiary highways, streets, drainage, schools, hospitals, etc;
- Intercultural exchange.
Resources by this organization: