PO Box 48902-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
KenyaGet in touch!
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KVDA is an indigenous, non-political and membership organization, which is non-sectarian and non-profit making, started in 1962 as a work camp organization registered under the Societies’ Act. In 1993, KVDA was registered as a Non-Governmental organization by the establishment of the NGOs Coordination Act.
Vision Statement of KVDA: KVDA envisions a more peaceful and connected world through voluntary international service.
Mission Statement of KVDA: The mission of KVDA is to promote peace, and understanding through international volunteerism combined with locally driven, sustainable development. We believe that powerful personal and global change happens when people work together, build cross-cultural friendships, and mobilize their resources to support development against dependence.
Core Values or Operating Principles:
- Promotion of voluntarism.
- Transparency and accountability.
- Participatory evaluation of projects.
- Local community ownership of projects:
- Continuous research and development.
- Regular follow up of projects.
- A learning organization.
- Documentary evidence of processes and events.
Strategic Objectives:
- Afford voluntary service opportunities to young people.
- Mobilize communities to action.
- Supplement formal education with experiential learning.
- Create awareness amongst Kenyan communities about development issues.
- Foster global peace, friendship and understanding.
- Mobilizing all-purpose resources to promote grassroots development.
Products and Services:
- International work camps
- National work camps and expeditions
- Medium and long-term volunteering program
- Outbound voluntary service program
- Erasmus Plus Program funded by the European Commission
- Educational tours.
- Development education and empowerment of communities.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Enterprise Development Training.
- Languages teaching i.e. Kiswahili and English
- Inter-cultural education and use of forum theatre and non-formal education to enhance cultural diversity.