16 July, 2020

SCI-Germany Workcamps 2020!

Unusual camp season

This camp season is unusual for all of us, but we made as much as possible to continue work for peace promotion and are happy to share the workcamp opportunities in the topic of antiracism, antifascism, remembrance that are available in SCI-Germany both digital and “real”!


Online Workcamp: DE-SCI 1.26 What remains? Digital traces of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp (05 Aug 2020 – 19 Aug 2020)

This first digital work camp will focus on the digital traces of visitors of the concentration camp memorial site from all over the world, which they left behind in social media.

The volunteers will research which different sources of information can be found when people in different countries search online for the history of the Neuengamme concentration camp.

More info here.

“Real” Workcamp: DE-SCI 1.28 That never Happens, what Happened at that Time (Buchholz near Hamburg) 11 Aug 2020 – 27 Aug 2020

In 1945 the recreation centre “Heideruh” was built by antifascists to support the survivors of the Nazi regime. Relatives, survivors, and friends built a place of refuge amidst woodland where they could regain strength to continue their fight for a better world. Until today, Heideruh is a recreation area for anti-fascists. Furthermore, 9 asylum seekers from North Sudan and Arabic countries are accommodated and supported in Heideruh. Now, the place is to be made more attractive to younger generations, preparing for a time without contemporary witnesses. The camp includes a big study part. In approx. 50% of the time will deal with the topics antifascism and remembrance.

More info here.

Online Workcamp: DE-SCI 1.37 Searching for Traces of Forced Labour: a Digital Photography Project (17 Aug 2020 – 28 Aug 2020)

In the first part, international volunteers will learn more about forced labour during National Socialism and get an introduction to photography by a professional photographer. In the second part, the volunteers will be invited to search for traces of forced labour in their home countries. They will be documenting their results with the camera. As a result of the project, the photos and the volunteers’ stories will become part of an exhibition that will be shown in the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Center.

More info here.

“Real” International study- and workcamp DE-SCI 1.51 Mittelbau-Dora and Buchenwald concentration camp memorial sites (20 Sep 2020 – 03 Okt 2020)

For many years, SCI-D has been conducting studycamps and workcamps on the grounds of the former Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps, in which volunteers not only participate in the practical maintenance of the memorials and individual site-specific remembrance projects, but also have extensive opportunities to study interesting aspects of local history and current social issues.

More info here.


We are waiting for your applications!

Your SCI-Germany Team

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