Become our partner
SCI actively cooperates with more than 90 partner organisations all around the world.
Partner organisations are independent but like-minded organisations that also run international voluntary projects. SCI branches and partners cooperate in many ways, but mainly through volunteer exchanges and projects. Partner organisations can also actively participate in international working groups, or cooperate with other partners and branches in organising a campaign on a specific theme.
SCI is open to cooperation with new partner organisations, especially in countries or regions where this is no SCI presence yet. Potential partner organisations need to share our values and vision of a culture of peace. SCI finds it important that the partner organisations are non-profit organisations with democratic structures that allow for active involvement of volunteers of all national, religious, cultural, social and other backgrounds and of all ages.
Partner organisations of SCI are also expected to organise regular volunteer activities with international volunteers.
Be the movement!

The partnership procedure consists of a few phases

The potential partner organisation is invited to read about SCI and what it means to be a partner before contacting us. You can read a summary and the full procedures here.

You can contact us by email and we will send your request and information to the appropriate regional working group. To understand more about how SCI’s International Structure works, please go here.

The working group (or in case of absence of a working group: the International Executive Committee) approves the volunteer exchange with the new organisation and then decides on the terms of cooperation. At this time the organisation is considered a ‘contact’ of SCI.

Cooperation starts and is evaluated annually. After two years of exchange SCI decides whether the cooperation has been successful or not. If yes, the new organisation is then considered as a partner organisation and added to SCI’s network.

Going further
The organisation can also apply for SCI Group status after the two year successful evaluation period. Groups are considered members of SCI and are a step closer to becoming a full branch of SCI with voting rights.

More info
The above is a brief summary of the official SCI Partnership Regulations. The procedure can vary according to the circumstances under which new organisations apply for partnership status with SCI. In countries where SCI already has a branch, the procedure may include additional steps in order to establish links on a national level.
If you want to know more, you can download the following documents: Joining the SCI Movement – The Basics or Partnership Regulations.
If you have specific questions for your situation, do not hesitate to contact the International Secretariat.