Our Movement

Our structure

Service Civil International is considered a movement of different peoples and bodies and therefore consists of several groups all working together to create a culture of peace. 

Branches and Groups

SCI consists of 40 branches and groups all over the world. Branches are full member of SCI and have a voting right at ICM. Groups are organisations who can observe at ICM and are working towards full membership. Branches and Groups work independently in their own country on the exchange of volunteers and coordination of projects, working towards SCI’s mission of a culture of peace. This decentralised way of working makes close cooperation and consultation with local communities stronger.


SCI cooperates with partner organisations all over the world. Partner organisations are independent but like-minded organisations that also run international voluntary projects. SCI branches and partners cooperate in many ways, but mainly through volunteer exchanges and projects. Partner organisations can also actively participate in international working groups, or cooperate with other partners and branches in organising a campaign on a specific theme. They are however not full members of SCI.

* ICM: International Committee Meeting

* IS: International Secretariat

* IEC: International Executive Committee

* IIC: International Insurance Commission

* FACT: Financial Advice and Consultancy Team

International Committee Meeting (ICM)

Our highest decision making body is the International Committee Meeting (ICM), our general assembly, consisting of delegates from our branches, who decide on the path of SCI. It happens twice a year, usually in June and December, and it takes decisions for the whole movement.

International Executive Committee (IEC)

The IEC is the international board of SCI, responsible for its management and making sure that any decision agreed upon by ICM is accomplished. They have the responsibility and duty to take decisions between ICMs, as well as monitoring SCI’s progress in its strategic plan. The IEC is also responsible for overseeing the international budget.

International Secretariat (IS)

The operative part of the SCI’s international coordination is guaranteed by the International Secretariat, an office of staff and volunteers based in Antwerp (Belgium). The IS supports the movement in its strategic goals, builds on achieved results and amplifies its impact. The staff and volunteers support with daily management and provides different manners of support for both the international movement and individual branches. The International Coordinator is the head of the office and an ex-officio member of the IEC.

Working Groups

Working groups are integral parts of SCI’s structure as they are responsible for dealing with technical aspects and the promotion, facilitation and evaluation of volunteer exchanges between SCI Branches/Groups and Partners, as well as working on the quality of projects through focusing on specific thematic areas, such as sustainability, gender and inclusion. New partners will first work with working groups before being introduced to the movement.

And of course…our volunteers!

Volunteers are the core of SCI. Many activities are organised by volunteers, either for volunteers or for the public. To SCI volunteering is not only a method to achieve solidarity and promote a culture of peace, but it is a value in itself. Volunteering means to ‘act out of self-initiative for the benefit of society, without seeking material reward for your actions’. For SCI volunteering is a powerful tool for personal and social transformation: people gain self-confidence and skills, establish long lasting friendships and at the same time contribute to positive change in society.

SCI encourages and supports the involvement of interested volunteers and stimulates them to express and realise their own ideas. Therefore each volunteer is an essential building block of the organisation and of the wider peace movement as a whole. Every volunteer is a unique person and it is this diversity that makes SCI a very dynamic and creative organisation.

Who are the IEC?

Antonella Di Matteo

International President

Bert Verstappen

Acting International Vice-President

Nico Verzijden

International Treasurer

Dr. Shobha Sudharshan

IEC member

Antonios Sifakis

IEC member

Oluwafemi Israel Aganran

IEC member

Andrea Loddo

IEC member

Sarah Köksal

Co-opted IEC member

Cristina Debu

De-facto IEC member

Who are the IS?

Cristina Debu

International Coordinator

The responsibilities of the International Coordinator include planning and monitoring the development of Plan of Actions, ensuring incorporation of priorities set at ICM into SCI’s actions, and representing the organization externally

Oluwatosin Ligali

Tech Support

The Tech Support role entails overseeing troubleshooting within SCI, working closely with an office volunteer and the Tech Team to provide comprehensive technological support for our operations and endeavors.

Konstantinos Karfakis

Project volunteer

Konstantinos, originating from Greece, fulfils the role of an ESC project volunteer, extending crucial assistance across varied international projects through coordination, logistical aid, and detailed reporting duties.

Claudia Strambini

Communication and Volunteer Coordinator

The Communication and Volunteer Coordinator oversees all of SCI International’s internal and external communication activities and coordinates the long-term volunteers at the International Secretariat.

Gonçalo Barros

Communication volunteer

Gonçalo, a communication volunteer from Portugal, aids SCI in both internal and external communication efforts, with a primary focus on promoting volunteering opportunities, along with SCI values and projects.

Kerry Hargadon

Project Officer

Within the International Secretariat, the Project Officer oversees projects and their funding, ensuring the organization’s goals are pursued and achieved through the implementation of concrete activities and strategies.

Eve Hamel

Project volunteer

Eve, originating from France, fulfils the role of an ESC project volunteer, extending crucial assistance across varied international projects through coordination, logistical aid, and detailed reporting duties.

Ossi Lemström

Finance and Administration Officer

The Finance and Administration Officer oversees international financial record-keeping, accounting procedures, and insurance matters within the organization’s administrative framework.

Rémi Havet

Office volunteer

Rémi, representing France, serves as the Office Volunteer at the SCI International Secretariat, providing assistance across various office functions such as organizing ICM, managing statistics, donor relations, and responding to information emails.