Circunvalación No. 67, Col. Guadalupe Victoria, Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico C.P. 62746
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AMVIAC is a Mexican organisation that promotes international volunteering in Mexico among young people and works on the development of Mexico through volunteering. The association, founded in December 2014, participates in countless local activities in the city of Cuautla, in the Morelos region, addressing topics such as the environment, cultural heritage, disability and sustainable development. Coordinates, implements and participates in actions and programs such as UNESCO World Heritage Volunteers, the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, the French Civic Service program, is a member of the Climate Heritage Network, of the Mexican Volunteer Platform of the Día network of Good Deeds. It organizes short-term volunteer camps as well as medium and long-term volunteer projects. Every year it organizes the Music Festival and the AMVIAC MTB MARATHON, which is a mountain bike race. It also organises themed bicycle rides to promote its use in Mexico.