Puruha Oe2-781 y Epiclachima, La Magdalena, Quito
EcuadorGet in touch!
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FUNPROCH was legally constituted by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment under Agreement No. 47. Our main objective is the protection of the environment, we started reforesting a private reserve of primary cloudy forest, nowadays we protect 300 Has located in the Andes. We focus on raising awareness about reforestation and sustainable agriculture with the support of the community, foreign volunteers and governmental institutions. The community development is one of our objectives, we focused on education as a way to promote the increasing of the academic level of the students from the elementary schools located in rural areas. We decided to send young volunteers from around the world to teach English, Computers and Environmental education in schools from different provinces in Ecuador, and meanwhile promote the intercultural exchange, which in the last few years has given a new vision of the world and future to the children.
Since our creation, we had planted 30000 native trees in several places: Reserve of the Chiriboga Project, Chillanes, Cayambe, Casitagua, Santo Domiingo, Tena and others.
We have been involved in construction projects such as: bathrooms and dinning room for the Chiriboga community; construction of infrastructure for the San Jose School in Tena, construction of two houses to help people in need in the province of Esmeraldas and La Chorrera. . In 2016 after the massive earthquake that affected the Ecuadorian Coast, we built a dinning room for children in La Chorrera Community with the help and donations of Canadian organizations. We have managed several donations: school supplies for 5 rural schools donated by DIMAXI; Christmas presents for children donated by Confiteca. Medicine donated to the Enrique Garces Hospital and Health Center No. 4. Construction material for the Edmundo Carbo School in Jipijapa.
We helped getting funds for two disabled athletes to participate in the Marathon of New York and Thailand.
Later on, we gave legal support to 160 families in the Balcones de Ontaneda neighborhood to fix the situation of their properties with the Municipality. The Yucaip community from the Shuar nationality asked for legal assessment to recover their territory.
The reserve we protect has suffered environmental impact from oil spills from 1999, and we are still fighting against the Ecuadorian state to get environmental restoration.
Ten years ago we started working with the Weltwärts program by the BMZ Ministry of Germany.
Nowadays we are part of CCIVS and have partners around the world who support us sending volunteers to participate in our short, medium and long term projects. We are becoming an outgoing organization as well, trying to involve the Ecuadorian youth on the volunteering world.