Rruga Mine Peza, P 103/1. Tirana, Albania
AlbaniaPhone number: +3556 92425264
Get in touch!
This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.
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PVN program areas:
1. Peace, Intercultural dialogue and learning through volunteering
- Workcamps – short term projects
- EVS and LTV
- Trainings and youth exchanges
- Artistic and Cultural studio
- Intercultural events
2. Youth empowerment
- Mobilities
- Exchanges
- Volunteering at local and international level
3. Human Rights, Democracy and Active participation
- NVC and NHP
- Peace and voluntarism
- Employ-ability
- Discrimination
- Soft skills
- Gender equality
4. Enhancement of education system through friendly schools
- Reduce bulling and discrimination
- Promote use of non formal education
- Promote non violent communication
- Encourage and promote creativity
- Increase capacities of teachers
- Make stronger tight between teachers, parents and students
- Involve students in voluntary actions
- Encourage students to make international experiences
- Reduce discrimination
5. Inclusion and integration
- Increase capacities and encourage active participation of people with disabilities and fewer opportunities
- Migrants
- Needs assessment of people with disabilities at national level
Resources by this organization:
Read about wokcamps hosted by this organization: