National Secretariat Office, School Of Peace, Panauti 7, Kavre
NepalGet in touch!
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Service Civil International is an international non-governmental organization working for peace, solidarity and understanding through voluntary services. It was founded by Pierre Ceresole, a Swiss engineer in 1920 after the 1st world war. He founded it with the idea that voluntary services to the helpless and needy people are more powerful for peace than the military means.
Therefore voluntary work camps has been adopted as the main tool of SCI for its peace movement. The work camps bring together people from all walks of life from different origin, religion, culture, geography, economy and provide environment for intercultural experiences and better understanding.
Late Mr Asta Mangal Brajracharya founded SCI Nepal in 1967. It is the national branch of Service Civil International in Nepal. SCI Nepal has three district branches within Nepal, namely SCI Kathmandu Branch, SCI Kavre Branch, and SCI Bhaktapur Branch.
Each branch has its own committee. Branches meet every year in annual general meeting.
The branches select committee members for national committee in every two year.