Berliner Allee 59/61
13088 Berlin
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VJF (union of young volunteers) was founded in March 1990 and is an officially recognised non-profit association for organising youth works, with the aim to expand the idea of international voluntary movement. The association organises international youth exchanges with short term projects (workcamps) and long term projects (European Voluntary Service and «weltwärts») as sending, hosting and coordinating organization. Furthermore, VJF offers the Voluntary Ecological Year within a period of one year for 85 youngsters in Berlin – funded by the state of Berlin, the Federal Republic Germany as well as the EU via the European Solidarity Fund. For several years, the organisation has collected vast experiences and knowledge in the field of environmental protection and international youth projects.
VJF has 10 staff to support our projects. We send and host every year approximately 500 short and long term volunteers to help building a better world together. This is also expressed by our membership in the Coordination Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations.
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