![Youth Development Association logo](https://sci.ngo/wp-content/uploads/logos/newyda-logo.png)
Palestine, West Bank, Zababde – Meselie Street – Near the Holly book Association Building
PalestineGet in touch!
This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.
Write to them!
YDA is a Palestinian civil association, specialized in youth issues. YDA was established in 2003 by a group of Palestinian
youth. Its programs focus on: training the young leaders, encouraging the voluntary work and empowering the youth in
order to strengthen their role in the Palestinian civil society.
To build a generation of youth who is capable of making changes in the Palestinian free community, on the
basis of justice, democracy and equal opportunities.
It is a Palestinian non-governmental youth organization which was established in 2003. It seeks to activate
the youth sector by developing and improving the Palestinian youth abilities, strengthening their
community participation, and empowering them economically, in addition to opening horizons for cultural
and knowledge exchange among youths locally and internationally, in order to be able to contribute
effectively to the development process and to complete the desired process ofsocietal change.