ABCD: Art for Balanced and Cultural Diversity

22 - 27 July 2019
The idea
Which art tools can help you promote the importance and value of diversity and social inclusion? A key question participants from 9 countries were exploring during the ABCD training course that was organised in July 2019 in Antwerp (Belgium) by the International Secretariat of SCI in cooperation with the SCI’s Pool of trainers and facilitators.
The programme
The programme was composed of theory, practice and production.
During the practice part the main tools were visual and performance art: Theatre of the Oppressed (image and forum theatre) and other types of modern art were presented and practised, such as collage, impro-theatre, rap, dance, music, video, impro-theatre.
In the production phase, the participants teamed up to develop a creative action through which they tried to voice up their story or a problematic situation they faced around themselves, their peers and their target groups. Five spots, five opportunities to bring up a social issue in a creative way and engage with the public in Park Spoor Noord.
“This project helped me to better understand multiculturalism outside of my home country, particularly in Eastern Europe”, a participant.
ABCD project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.