Be your country
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Topics: Education and Intercultural dialogue
Project: Be your country
Year of publication: 2022
Supported by: European Commission (Erasmus+)
Resource type: Toolkit
The manual about nationality and culture in international exchange projects “Be your country?!” is the outcome of the seminar „Be your country?! Deconstructing culture in (international) youth work and non-formal education“ organised online from 3-9 December 2021 by Service Civil International Österreich. In this seminar, youth workers and staff from volunteering organisations around Europe were looking at what we do, when we culturalise our non-formal education programs, our energisers, our support and training structures and our free time activities. With this Manual SCI and its partners aim to exchange and create a set of alternative approaches that instead of emphasising the differences put the spotlight on what makes us all human. The publication was edited by Sima* Jakob and Thomas Schallhart, who facilitated the seminar. — The seminar and the manual were financed by the European Commission, whose support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The manual is published under a free license: Creative Commons 3.0. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
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