Memoric Booklet
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Topics: History
Project: Memory Beyond Rhetoric, WW1 and the growth of the pacifist movement in Europe: Looking back 100 years to understand the presence we face and build the future we yearn
Year of publication: 2016
Supported by: Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union
Resource type: Booklet
What’s beyond the rhetoric? What’s beyond the poems and the poppies? Is there courage and honor or mass-destruction and violence? There is an important lesson not to be forgotten and big mistakes not to be repeated. And there is also the seed of the pacifist movement and the origin of SCI. With the publication of this e-book, we not only want to present the reflection process on WWI, SCI and other pacifist movements, but also encourage the remembrance work to be done in the future as well as support other projects. While reading this e-book, you will find the information about workshops on these topics and tools for facilitating them, support for reflection, links for further reading and suggestions on how to get active for peace. The extensive remembrance work done during the Memory beyond Rhetoric project gave us the opportunity to look closer at the roots and the path SCI has created and nourished over the last 95 years.
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