As part of the local initiatives of the PEACE for Nature project, the International Secretariat of SCI developed this vegan cookbook resource for use during trainings and projects. This cookbook highlights the importance of sustainability and green alternatives in...
This toolkit came to be through the P.E.A.C.E.for Nature (Participate in Environmental Activism through Civic Engagement for Nature) project, managed by the Climate Team of Service Civil International (SCI). The toolkit has been designed together with the participants...
For the global Climate Justice movement to open up and grow, we need renewed Climate Justice narratives. This will help include those who are personally forced to revise their lives because of the consequences of climate changes. With what goal in mind we are...
On a global scale, people from marginalized backgrounds or with fewer opportunities are often the ones most affected by the climate crisis. But their voices are usually the ones least being heard when they speak about climate justice. This ‘Green...