
A Thank you letter from a workcamp with SCI Norway

The project took place in:



Written by Liz Stordahl

July 2017

Everything has its end, also the 2017 workcamp at Jøssåsen Landsby (unfortunately).
The volunteers at this workcamp have been some beautiful people!
They have worked hard in rain, in wind, in sun, in shit (literally), in mud, inside, outside, on ladders, on scaffolding, on bumblebee nest (we first realised that after in total 5 stings), in loudly lowing from calves and bull, and most importantly in good cooperation with each other.

Dear volunteers it has been a pleasure to meet you, to work with you, to laugh with you, to play cards with you, to cooperate with you, to cook & eat with you, to spend time with you, to have long conversations with you and to really getting to know you! You have all made this 2017 workcamp at Jøssåsen Landsby to an excellent workcamp!

It is a weird thing being on a workcamp, two weeks ago we were all strangers to each other, and now it feels strange to not see you every day …

And a big thank you to all the people in Jøssåsen landsby! You have included us in the village, made us feel welcomed and a part of the community and I think we all have left a bit of our hearts here! Thank you for taking us on trips to Trondheim, to Storfossen, to the place of jumping in the waterfall, to the tree hut, to the top of Vennafjellet, to the Burma cliff (or little Trolltunga), to a boat trip with fishing and swimming. Thank you for teaching us and letting us try to milk cows (a childhood dream of mine)!

Also a very big thank you to the work leaders we had on the different project, that showed us how to use the different tools, learned us how to do the tasks efficiently and explained everything with big smiles. I think we all feel a bit professional on the particular work we did thanks to you.

We managed to build a new barn bridge, chalking the barn, painting the heating house, staining a fence and building a fence. We would never ever have managed to do all of this on our own, but together we did it!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller

Dear all volunteers, work leaders and the people at Jøssåsen landsby – thank you for two great weeks.

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