Actionkit for societal engagement

Topics: Peace

Project: European Solidarity Corps programme

Year of publication: 2023

Resource type: Toolkit

Together with a team of engaged volunteers from three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa, Tanya put together this toolkit of different methods through which you can be active in your local, regional, national or international society. The material consists of examples from different countries, mostly Europe, where you can get an insight on how active participation in society can look for different people, passionate in making a change in diverse ways.

The material consists of examples from different countries, mostly Europe, where you can get an insight on how active participation in society can look for different people, passionate in making a change in diverse ways. Every way of being active is important, and even though not everyone can do everything, everyone can do something. In fact, the name of the actionkit – It’s not easy to be an activist – derives from an inside joke at the place ofresidence and work from Tanya’s time as a volunteer at La Città dell’Utopia, a project of SCI Italy. Together with the other volunteers, they were active in society in varied ways, and even though it took up some time that we might have otherwise spent discovering Rome, we all enjoyed it because we were active in ways and about topics that inspired us.

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