15 July, 2021

Crowdfunding campaign for the youth center CK13

Novi Sad, Serbia

Youth centre CK13 from Novi Sad, where Volunteers’ Centre of Vojvodina (SCI Serbian branch) is based since 2018, is launching a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of raising funds for the purchase of new audio equipment for the Black House 13, for which we ask your help.

Since its founding in 2007, the Black House has been working for people, not for profit, and as such it became a second house for many people and collectives in Novi Sad and a safe place for many marginalised groups in our society, providing space and support to all those engaged with alternative art, culture and activism to freely present and express themselves and their work.

Last year, CK13’s audio equipment that was used for years by the whole community was disgracefully taken away by one of the organisations leaving the space and thus alienated from its original and only purpose for which it was obtained – to serve everyone in our cultural and political community.

The success of this crowdfunding campaign would make it possible to provide new equipment with which the Black House will continue to serve and build its community. The new equipment will ensure the same level of sound quality as in previous years and will further improve the realisation of all our events, activities and programs. If the goal of the campaign is reached and surpassed, we will aim for even better quality equipment!

Let’s ensure together that the entire alternative community of Novi Sad and beyond continues to blaze and that its voice and sound be heard again, even more strong and more clear!

Supporting CK13 in purchasing its new equipment, you will also support VCV in keeping on carrying on its activities from the same youth centre. This is the platform where you can donate, while here you can find an English language guide on how you can donate to this cause.

CK13  and VCV thank you for your solidarity and support!



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