11 May, 2023

Kishori Shakti Programme Report

By SCI India Maharashtra State Group


Objective: Girls empowerment

Target: To bring about positive change in the life of at least 25 girls from the slums

Venue: Community hall, Cheeta camp, Trombay, Mumbai –88.

Date& Time: 1st to 6thMay 2023, from 11.00am to 12.00 noon


Project details: Service Civil International (SCI)’s vision is a world of peace, social justice, and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflicts. In line with the vision a project was designed and named as Kishori Shakti. Kishori means Adolescent Girl while Shakti means Power. So to empower adolescent girls six subjects were selected for each day. Suitable faculties were requested and a week long project was designed for the purpose. The project took its kick start on the auspicious Maharashtra day, i.e. 1st May 2023.

Not everyone is good at academic studies and standard professions, while some are forced to opt for alternative knowledge and carrier due to limitations, likings or talents. Guidance of the kind is not available in the slums or poor families. Thus, the first day subject dealt with Fashion designing which included bridal makeup and hair style. Girls are found to be inclined to such activity and it is easy to nurture them in this field. Useful tips were given and were explained of the importance of this talent as a hobby as well as profession. Participants liked and learnt with interest.

A great personality knows how to interact with the people, how to dress properly to look attractive in the crowd, possess leadership skills, presentation skills, and positive thoughts. These skills not only help you with respect to your career but also plays a vital role in providing assistance in your day to day life. Personality Development was the subject covered on the second day to change them into a better human being. Their inner (positive thoughts) and outer (appearance) personalities were discussed and their importance were explained as it is least bothered specially in the slums.

Government Schemes in India are launched by the government to address the social and economic welfare of the citizens of this nation. These schemes play a crucial role in solving many socio-economic problems that beset Indian society; thus, their awareness is a must for any concerned citizen. There are a number of schemes and scholarship for especially backward class or economically low group of which people are not aware. These schemes are designed to provide for gainful employment and skill development to grant concessional finance in selected cases for poor persons belonging to Backward Classes as per an annual income criteria. The third day subject was to help in knowing such schemes that could be of help in their development.

‘Best out-of-waste’ means to make something innovative and attractive out of the material that is of no use otherwise. Creating something new from the old, recycling and up cycling, are the best ways to reduce one’s carbon footprint. Purse and bag making techniques were demonstrated and taught on the fourth day. Girls learnt how this could be done specially out of left over or scrap material. By this they were able to increase the value of items almost by ten times with artistic and creative input. This was practically proved on the next day when they were able to sell their products with good value.

Family relationships provide resources that can help an individual cope with stress, engage in healthier behaviors, and enhance self-esteem, leading to higher well-being. Though there are lot of turmoil, confusion and stress related issues in many families it is not readily accepted, revealed or discussed in the open with fear of facing stigma in the society. This was observed in the interactions held on the fifth day in the beginning of the session. Everyone portrayed their family to be in the ideal condition as expected when asked for. But slowly as the key indicators of probable lacunas in a family was touched it came under the scrutiny of magnifying glass for the participants to identify and then they started admitting that there is scope for improvement in maintaining a happy family relationship. Simple solutions were also offered to take care of these situations.Guidance and counselling were provided to such participants who approached. Concepts of family structure, their importance and functions were explained through short videos, which they found interesting. The session ended with everyone’s participation in an action song that depicted the unity and oneness in a family.

Government run operations like hospitals, post office, Municipal office, Police stations, transport services, etc. are worth knowing about for our use. Thus on the sixth day visit to the nearest police station was planned. The only idea the children had of police stations were from the movies and what was told to them by others. Though excited the girls visited with mixed feelings of respect as well as fear. The surroundings, boards and sight of police in uniform were impressive. Soon the students were greeted by Assistant Inspector Asha Kadam. It was still more impressive to know that the Assistant Inspector was a female and with strong personality. All the staff who met were friendly and helpful in sharing knowledge. Senior officer Ravindra Ranshive then visited out of his busy schedule. He was stern in his conversation but assured that police is for their help and that people should not be afraid of visiting and taking help of the police when in need. With a bit of fear removed, more of knowledge was gained by the participants. After visiting the police station children had more respect for the police and understood that this could also be their ambition and goal to serve the Nation.


The wonderfully crafted six day project had been useful in promoting the girl’s hobbies as well as showed way to build their carrier in professions that they have never thought of. The participants selected were mostly of the Muslim community or of poor back ground, who needs to be empowered. In this sectors one could find more of drop out from school, silently facing social or sexual harassment of many kind and resorting to unethical mean of living. But the trainings have surely helped them to gain self-respect and build self-confidence with which they could lead a better empowered life. This will help in bringing in peace, social justice, and sustainable development in this weaker section of the society which would ultimately strengthen the Nation.

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