31 August, 2022

Meet Pauline, the new Project and Tech Volunteer here at the International Secretariat!

Welcome Pauline!

Hi everyone! My name is Pauline, I’m 24 and I am from the beautiful region of Brittany in France. I just started working here at the SCI International Secretariat in Antwerp, Belgium 10 days ago.

I will be working on different projects (FUNding Peace, Grassroots change, the Vision Seminary..) and supporting the IS with tech-related responsibilities. That should be fun! 

I have a background in communications. I am currently finishing my Master’s degree in Communications, Solidarity and Humanitarian Aid, at the university of Lyon 2, in France.

I also have a previous experience with SCI! Back in 2019, I was a long term volunteer with Stanton Home and SCI USA, in a life sharing community, to support people with diverse abilities, with the general goal to provide opportunities to pursue self determined lives. The experience was fulfilling and rich in so many different aspects, social, multicultural, self-reflection, emotional.

I kept in touch with everyone there of course, but also with people I had the pre-departure training with. That is how I had wind of this opportunity in the international office of SCI. So far, I am SO glad to be here. I will get to speak English all the time, to develop skills, to gain new ones, to meet with a worldwide community of peace activists and international volunteers and people working to make a change!

I am especially interested in gender equality and in climate justice. I believe in non formal education as one way to fill the gap between people with different privileges and opportunities. We have a mission to bring systemic change in our society to make it more inclusive and more sustainable! 

I am looking forward to this year, and I hope it will be full of adventures, discoveries, good food, good people and laughter ! If anyone has tips on life in Antwerp, please reach out and share (I love cinema, beers, thrift shops, sunsets and the ocean).


The volunteering experience is possible thanks to the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union, and supported by the Belgian National Agency JINT.

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