25 August, 2022

SCI keen to have International Peace Park in Penang

by SCI Malaysia

THE Service Civil International (SCI) Penang Chapter is eager to build an International Peace Park (IPP) in the state.

round table meeting in Malaysia

Its president Athimulam Arjunan said the park would greatly benefit people from all walks of life.

“The IPP will become a place of peace and friendship as various cultural organizations can come together and have interactive sessions“.

“Nowadays, cultural organizations organize their events at their respective venues. We hope this park can be a venue to foster close bonding among different organizations“.

“This can promote peace and understanding“.

someone talking in a round table meeting

“We hope that the state can consider our humble proposal as this can help to boost the state’s tourism too,” he said during the 40-minute courtesy call on Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow in Komtar.

IPP project planner Ang Eng Beng said the park would incorporate a peace pole, a peace garden, a multi-purpose covered Peace Arena, and a Peace Path of Fame.

“We hope to showcase the names of Penangites, who excel in their sports and in other fields“.

“The youths can value the legacy and contributions of the veterans in Penang,” he said.

Chow, who listened attentively to SCI’s proposal, noted their request and said he would consider the proposal.

Man reading a paper

Also present were Chief Minister Incorporated (CMI) deputy general manager S. Bharati and the SCI delegation.



Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Siti Nuratikah Rahmat

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