15 June, 2023

Summer Camp 2023 held in India

by SCI India

Service Civil International collaborated with Good Life Centre to organize a workcamp. Volunteers from different countries and states participated in this camp. The workcamp ran from May 10th to the 20th, 2023 at Somamangalam. The workcamp’s primary goal was to expose the kids at GLC to new cultural experiences.

Day 1: The session started with brief introduction about SCI and GLC. Nithya one of the volunteers explained about the work camp to the volunteers and rules &regulation of the camp. The first part of the meeting consisted of getting to know each other and introducing themselves to the other participants.

Day 2: The session started at 9.30am and volunteers prepared teaching aids for the children.  In discussion session volunteer discussed about the Russia and Ukraine war. Each volunteers shared views about the war. In this discussion representing three INDIA, RUSSIA & JAPAN. Each country shared the perspective about the war.

Day 3: The session again started at 9.30am in Good life Centre. Volunteers were divided into groups. The first group started the class using the various teaching aids while the 2nd group helped sanitary pad making unit. During the day there were discussion about emerging trends about volunteer work .

Day 4: Volunteers visited the Mahaballipuram to learn about culture and architecture

Day 5: Volunteers planted trees in Somanmangalam.

Day 6: The session started in the Good life Centre around 9:30 in the morning. The volunteers were divided into groups and given the opportunity to participate in the lesson using the various teaching aids.

Day 7: On the 7th day of the workcamp the session was again held in the Good life Centre . The volunteers were divided into groups and given the opportunity to participate in the lesson using the various teaching aids.

Day 8: The meeting started at 9.30 in the morning at the Somangalam camp site with the preparation of educational aids for the boys’ home and a talk on the pros and cons of the workcamp.

Day 9: The session started in the Good life Centre around 9:30 in the morning. The volunteers were divided into groups and given the opportunity to participate in the lesson using the various teaching aids.

Day 10: As the previous days, the last session also started around 9:30 in the Good life Centre. Both the positive and the negative aspects of the workcamp were discussed. Group photos were taken and the camp officially came to an end at 1:30 p.m


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