
CONSCIENTE El Salvador in Switzerland

The project took place in:


Long term volunteering

Written by Elmer from Salvador

November 2016

In my country the people of El Salvador say that voluntary work is doing something without payment. And right! But it’s not about the payment, but about the motivation, new experiences, solidarity, it’s about life and new ideas. I work in an organisation which focuses on the thematic of education. Education, as we believe in the organisation CONSCIENTE, is the key to change. Through education the Salvadorian people receive the necessary tools in order to be able to contribute in shaping their reality. The driving force of our educational work are volunteers. Volunteer work allows you to develop on a personal and emotional level. As a representative of CONSCIENTE El Salvador I have received through the invitation of SCI Switzerland the unique chance to participate in my own special voluntary service far away from home – with different people and in a different language. But despite all the difficulties it was just wonderful! My experiences have changed my worldview. I have learnt to overcome barriers between humans, not only lingual ones but also cultural and r ethnic barriers. I have learnt, that friendly interactions between people allow us to get to know better the world and vice versa. And herein lies the true value of volunteering.

Story written by Elmer Sandoval, a Salvadorian volunteer at SCI Switzerland, November 2016