World Heritage Volunteers (WHV), Mozambique
‎Supported by UNESCO
This report describes in detail the activities carried out on the Island of Mozambique, Nampula Province between September 17 and October 2 of the current year. The activities carried out are part of the World Heritage Volunteers Program. Since the Island of Mozambique is a site declared by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage, the involvement of all is essential for its conservation, so AJOV and LEMO have joined forces to implement the project, in order to contribute positively to the protection and sustainability of this cultural heritage, with the financial support of UNESCO. The main objectives of the activities carried out on the Island of Mozambique were to sensitize the communities about the importance of preserving the world cultural heritage, to minimize erosion, to warn about the dangers of erosion and the importance of planting mangrove seedlings as well as cleaning days in the city and in the beach areas.
The scheduled tasks were carried out with the participation of 30 volunteers from various corners of Mozambique, namely: Maputo City and Province, Nampula City, Inhambane, Sofala, Zambezia and Cabo Delegado. Regarding the structure, the report consists of the following sections: Description of activities and Acknowledgements.
It should be noted that, before the development of the activities, first, on September 17, the volunteers arrived in the Island of Mozambique and participated in the celebration of the City of the Island of Mozambique. The following day (September 18), the local government (represented by the representative of the Administrator – Alfredo Tomas José; Youth Councilor – Nádia Sadati; Director of the District Services of Youth Education and Technology of the Island of Mozambique – Patrick Mbocaase; Director of GACIM, CAIRIM Researcher, PRM District Commander and Head of the Fire Department) went to the São Sebastião Fortress, where the volunteers stayed and welcomed all those present, praised the initiation of the World Heritage Volunteers Program and further encouraged the involvement of local young people and the continued materialization of programs of this nature. On the same occasion, Mrs. Janete, representing UNESCO, made some considerations around the relevance of the World Heritage Volunteers Program and UNESCO’s role in supporting initiatives for the preservation and promotion of world cultural heritage, and also urged volunteers to create a favorable work environment, based on commitment, responsibility, efficiency and peace.
It should also be noted that, in the same context as the intervention and interaction with the aforementioned entities, the floor was given to the volunteers, where, Célio of AJOV and Branco of LEMO, thanked for the speeches made, presented the members who would be involved in the activities and promised to comply with the program. The following figure presents the public authorities and the representative of UNESCO, together with the volunteers on the opening day of the activities of the World Heritage Volunteers Program.
- From 09/19 to 09/22/2024: Awareness of communities about the importance of preserving the Island of Mozambique, transplanting and planting mangrove seedlings
In this delimited period, the local community was sensitized to be guided by good environmental practices, with a view to ensuring the preservation of that world cultural heritage, since the visibility of open faecalism, garbage accumulated on the shores of the beach and solid waste scattered within the beach is normal. In practice, the volunteers moved to the Lumbo Zone and began the process of transplantation and planting of mangroves, which occurred in the continental and island zone, at the edge of the beach. During this time interval, volunteers dedicated themselves to raising awareness, transplanting and planting mangroves, aiming to protect cultural heritage and ensure ecosystem balance.
- Day 23 to 24/Sep/2024: Cleaning in São Sebastião Fortress and beach
The activities of this date consisted of the general cleaning of the fortress, where the volunteers divided into four groups, dedicated specifically to the cutting of grass, bushes and cleaning of the fortress.
- From 25 to 26/ 09/24/2024: Youth debate on the conservation of world cultural heritage, roundtable on the history of the Island of Mozambique and recreation.
The youth debate on heritage conservation focused on the conservation of the architectural structure of houses with historical cultural value within the island and reducing the excessive use of plastic because it is one of the contributing factors to environmental pollution. Regarding the round table on the history of the Island of Mozambique, topics related to the genesis of the Island of Mozambique were addressed; The division of the city Cement and Macuti Zone and History of the São Sebastião Fortress and the need for its protection and rehabilitation.
- Day 27 to 28/09/2024: Visit to the Memory Garden; the First Cathedral of Mozambique and Statue of Luis Vaz de Camões
During the visit, there was talk of the emergence of the Memory Garden, the First Cathedral of Mozambique and the Statue of Luis Vaz de Camões, highlighting their socio-cultural role and symbolic value. Baltazar (Historian of GACIM), guided the view and explained the topics mentioned above.
- From 09/29 to 09/30/2024: Visit to the House of Culture and Statue of Marcelino dos Santos
The activities of this period were aimed at disseminating knowledge about the emergence of these heritages, understanding their socio-cultural role, interacting with young local artists. Below is an image of the statue of Marcelino dos Santos.
- 10/01/2024: Closing, Cleaning in the place of accommodation, preparation and farewell
This day was reserved for the closing of field activities, cleaning of the volunteers’ accommodation place, preparation of luggage for the return trip, and farewell to local entities and partners. After all activities ended, on the following day: 10/02/2024, the volunteers returned to their places of origin.
The fulfilment of the agenda of activities was possible with the support of several institutions, which we have a moral and social obligation to thank them, namely:
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) -Mozambique;
- Government of the District of the Island of Mozambique;
- Â Mozambique Island Conservation Office (GACIM);
- Distrial Service of Education, Youth and Technology (SDEJT);
- Museum of the Island of Mozambique;
- District Youth Council of the Island of Mozambique; and
- Center for Archaeology, Research and Resources of Eduardo Mondlane
- University (CAIRIM).
Maputo, on 5 November 2024
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