19 May, 2022

Call for International Volunteers in Sri Lanka

Summer Workcamps

Are you interested in environment awareness, educational support or local communities empowerment? Would you like to volunteer in Asia and discover the beautiful country of Sri Lanka? Apply now to their summer international workcamps!


Workcamp: Farming and educational support for local community empowermentVolunteers with kids

Where: Anuradhapura District

When : 14/07/2022 – 24/07/2022

Description : The objective is to intervene in two villages in order to improve living conditions and reduce the inequalities suffered by local communities. The main missions will be to create fun and educational activities (mathematics, English). Then to participate in the local development in the community by ensuring the sustainability of economic activity: farming.



Organic garden and compost

Workcamp: Environment Awareness and creation of an organic garden in a local community

Where: Kandy District

When : 27/07/2022 – 05/08/2022

Description : Work in a waste center and carry out actions for the climate by creating an organic garden. To raise awareness for all generations about climate change and the protection of the environment.





Email : placement.scisl@gmail.com

Facebook : SCI Sri Lanka

Instagram : SCI Sri Lanka

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