Our publications

Volunteerism for peace: memory and present

Volunteerism for peace: memory and present


The exhibition, in Catalan, displays the history of the peace work that SCI did with refugees and during the Spanish civil war, as well as in other key historical moments.

Diverse Communities – visual method cards

Diverse Communities – visual method cards


The cards are an interactive and easy-to-use tool that can help you when looking for ways to cherish diversity and to encourage intercultural dialogue among different groups or individuals in a local community or during your international activity.

PATH Exhibition

PATH Exhibition


This publication presents stories of refugees, helpers and children of the Spanish Civil War, WWII and the Balkan wars along with a historical background.

Building bridges toolkit

Building bridges toolkit


The Building Bridges Toolkit presents inspiring case studies of successful projects involving asylum seekers and refugees or that raise awareness on forced migration, practical guidelines on how to organize such projects and specific methods you can use.

Memoric Booklet

Memoric Booklet


The book presents workshops on the topics of World War I remembrance, the beginnings of SCI and other pacifist movements, and gives tools for facilitating such workshops, support for reflection, links for further reading and suggestions on how to get active for peace.

Climate for Peace: Inspirations. How to organize activities for climate justice and sustainable living

Climate for Peace: Inspirations. How to organize activities for climate justice and sustainable living


This booklet provides lots of examples of grassroots projects related to climate implemented by SCI activists around the world, giving inspiration to keep engaging in this topic.

Climate for Peace Toolkit: How to organise sustainable workcamps

Climate for Peace Toolkit: How to organise sustainable workcamps


In this toolkit background information is given on the campaign, climate justice, how SCI started implementing solutions and tools are suggested to enhance and spread skills necessary for sustaining a climate campaign. 

Resource Pack-pedagogical tools

Resource Pack-pedagogical tools


The toolkit contains pedagogical tools and is the result of the Crossing Borders – International refugee campaign

Crossing Borders resource pack 2

Crossing Borders resource pack 2


The resource concerns The world of refugees and is the result of the Crossing Borders – International refugee campaign carried out in the 90s.

Crossing Borders resource pack 1

Crossing Borders resource pack 1


The resource concerns SCI and refugees and is the result of the Crossing Borders – International refugee campaign carried out in the 90s.