19 December, 2022

Seminar (Call for participants)

SCI Belgium

Would you like to take a critical look at international voluntary service projects and how these organisations still carry the weight of a long colonial history? How are our ways of thinking and working still influenced by this colonial history? Are the current inequalities in our volunteering practice linked to colonial power relations?
Do these questions resonate with you? Come and be part of a process that wants to reassess international volunteering from a decolonial perspective! How? By looking at how we can deconstruct certain colonial attitudes and structures, which prevent us from being truly inclusive or maintaining certain privileges. Participate in the participatory action research training and/or in the advocacy training!

Participatory action research training

Program: receiving new inputs on decolonisation and volunteering, having moments of self-reflection, sharing experiences, developing participatory action research skills so that you feel ready to carry out the research in your own organisation.
?Practical information:
▪ From 12/02 to 18/02 in Brussels, Belgium
▪ Price: free of charge (transport and accommodation costs taken care of)
▪ Language: English
▪ Deadline: 31 December 2022

Advocacy training

Program: training participants in advocacy and campaigning skills (political activism and initiating social change processes) to support social media campaigns and to implement specific advocacy actions.
?Practical information:
▪ From 19/02 to 25/02 in Paris, France
▪ Price: free of charge (transport and accommodation costs taken care of)
▪ Language: English
▪ Deadline: 31 December 2022

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