Intercultural dialogue
Meet Blanca : an ESC volunteer from a year ago with SCI Italy
Spain, Catalunya
Spain, Catalunya
Long term volunteering
Written by Blanca from Spain, Catalunya
Blanca, a volunteer with SCI-Italia for seven months through the “European Solidarity Corps” program of the European Union, almost a year after the end of her project, continued to participate in various trainings, seminars and youth exchanges such as “Chapter: Challenging Propaganda Through Remembrance” , Youth Green Deal” or “Living Library Week“.
For this reason, Blanca is still part of the organization, even though her volunteer period has long since ended. Below, the testimony that Blanca wanted to share with all of us to encourage volunteering opportunities outside of our own country.
“Hello everyone!
I’m Blanca, and during the year 2021 I did a long-term volunteer work in Rome with SCI Italy. My job as a volunteer (Placement Officer-Incoming) consisted in assisting the Italian volunteers in the workcamps abroad and the Italian who do long-term volunteering. Being in the SCI encouraged me to carry out projects and to be part of associations and organizations with which I had wanted to collaborate for some time.
I did the coordinator training where they taught me the necessary tools to coordinate the volunteer camp with the theme of eco-sustainability (permaculture camp) that I realized a short time later in Bracciano. Knowing and sharing the values of SCI from the inside has been a totally enriching experience not only because I got to know this incredible organization and all the interesting programs and projects it carries out, but I have met people who will continue to be close to my heart for (I hope) many years.
This experience has opened my eyes to social struggles that I did not know before and today I defend day after day. I got to know cultures up close and I have lived experiences that before I could not have done in any other way. In addition to all this, I have participated in various projects such as Chapter, Youth Green Deal and many others … which have allowed me to get to know the topics on anti-fascism, emotional intelligence, classism, sustainability, feminism, human rights and the climate crisis in depth. I am proud to defend this type of organization as SCI because it is an organization that carries out volunteer projects in an ethical, responsible and sustainable way, values with which I feel identified.
I hope this testimonial inspires you to carry out a project with the SCI or who knows, maybe we will meet in a volunteer camp or project in the future✨✨✨ (glitter included).
A big hug,
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