All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation “Alternative-V”

Alternative-V was created to facilitate cooperation among youth organizations, to promote active citizenship among Ukrainian youth through their involvement into programs in the fields of non-formal education, culture, ecology, historical heredity protection and...

Association Togolaise des Volontaires au Travail – ASTOVOT

The NGO Association Togolaise des Volontaires au Travail (ASTOVOT) has more than 60 years of experience in the service of international volunteering and especially in the field of intercultural exchanges between young people from all over the world. Every year, she...

INEX Slovakia

INEX Slovakia is sending and receiving volunteers since 1993. Our vision is active people with healthy self-confidence, tolerance, critical thinking, general insight and willingness to help their surroundings. We are organising international voluntary camps in...

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke – MS Denmark

MS Denmark fights poverty by helping the poor to fight for their rights and break the structures, which holds them back in hunger and poverty. We have almost 70 years of experience with development work and our work aims to improve poor people’s conditions of life, in...