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Map of SCI organisations



SCI has thousands of projects and activities all around the world, implemented by our branches and partners. We work within the movement and accept new partners on a rolling basis. Find out how to join us below.

As a volunteer, you participate in SCI’s activities through either a branch or a partner that is part of SCI’s movement. A branch is a full member of SCI and much better established within the movement. They have shown their commitment to SCI’s values and missions and work together to create a culture of peace. A partner is a like-minded organisation who, while not being a full member of SCI, organises international voluntary projects and is working for a peaceful society. Partners are evaluated by SCI on a continuous basis in order to ensure high-quality projects and exchanges, both for the volunteers and the branches.

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If the organisation has a blue SCI logo attached, the organisation is a recognised SCI branch.

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ARCAS Guatemala

ARCAS is a non-profit Guatemalan Civil Association formed in 1989 by a group of Guatemalan citizens who became concerned as they saw their precious natural heritage - especially their wildlife - rapidly disappearing before their eyes.

Website: https://arcasguatemala.org/

Status: Contact

AYAFE Azerbaijan

AYAFE Azerbaijan

AYAFE is one of the first young voluntary NGOs in Azerbaijan, established in November 1997 by the students with the general aim of contributing to the integration of Azerbaijan into the European Institutions.

Status: Partner

Botswana Workcamps Association – BWA

Botswana Workcamps Association – BWA

BWA mission is to enhance leadership development through community voluntary discipline, participation and increase self-reliance for broad based sustainable development in construction, environmental management and conservation, economic empowerment, etc

Status: Partner



DUNIA is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

Gotas de Agua

Gotas de Agua

Gotas de Agua is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

INEX Slovakia

INEX Slovakia

INEX Slovakia is non-profit organization providing personal development and meaningful leisure time for young people throught international volunteering and non-formal education.

Website: http://www.inex.sk/

Status: Partner

Le Fenagie

Le Fenagie

Le Fenagie is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

Les Ententes

Les Ententes

Les Ententes is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

Lesotho Workcamps Association

Lesotho Workcamps Association

Lesotho Workcamps Association is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a volunteering and youth development oriented organisation.

Status: Contact



The Center of Youth of Civili Initiatives "Momavali" expresses and protects the interests of the youth and the younger generation, including those with disabilities, marginal and others at risk groups.

Status: Contact

MS Denmark Greenland

MS Denmark Greenland

MS Denmark Greenland is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

New Hope Waves

New Hope Waves

New Hope Waves Limited is a local non-profit organisation working among children, youth and their communities based in Livingstone, Zambia, Africa, which was initiated to create hope and the future in the lives of young people and their families.

Website: http://www.newhopewaves.org/

Status: Partner

SCI Poland

SCI Poland

SCI Poland is a non-governmental organisation promoting a culture of peace and mutual understanding by means of international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds, local initiatives and programmes of education.

Website: https://poland.sci.ngo/

Status: Branch

SCI Sri Lanka

SCI Sri Lanka

SCI to promote workcamps as a means to develop understanding between peoples and reduce violence during conflict; a means of creating bonds that will try to avoid war between countries.

Status: Branch

SCI Switzerland

SCI Switzerland

SCI Switzerland is the founding branch of SCI and is devoted to intercultural exchange, sustainable development and non-violent conflict resolution. SCI Switzerland has been organizing workcamps and long-term exchanges for volunteers since 1920.

Website: https://scich.org/

Status: Branch



SEEDS is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Website: http://www.seeds.is/

Status: Partner

Service Civil International India

Service Civil International India

SCI India works through voluntary work camps and other actions with national branches / groups. In India it has five groups in places such as Delhi, Maharastra, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andra Predesh.

Status: Branch

Service Civil International Nepal

Service Civil International Nepal

International workcamps, long and medium term volunteer projects for international volunteers, running of projects for local community and youth, and sending of Nepali volunteers in the workcamps and long-term volunteering projects abroad.

Status: Branch

SVI Mauritius

SVI Mauritius

SVI Mauritius is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Branch

Unlimited Youth

Unlimited Youth

Unlimited Youth is an association which works in the Palestinian Refugee Camp of Shatila in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the association is bringing the younger generation together in order to build ties between the various communities of the camp.

Status: Contact



UVIKIUTA is voluntary organization working to tackle poverty inequality and climate change through transformative education, active global citizenship and holistic experience that broaden minds, expand horizons and empower young people.

Website: https://uvikiuta.wixsite.com/uvikiuta

Status: Partner

VWAN Nigeria

VWAN Nigeria

VWAN – Voluntary Workcamps Association of Nigeria is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Branch

Youth Development Association

Youth Development Association

YDA is a Palestinian civil association, specialized in youth issues. YDA was established in 2003 by a group of Palestinian youth. Its programs focus on: training the young leaders, encouraging the voluntary work and empowering youth.

Status: Contact

Youth for the Future

Youth for the Future

Youth for the Future is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner



ZAYDO is active in the promotion of a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Status: Partner

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