SCI news

One year of war and no end in sight

One year of war and no end in sight

Tomorrow marks one year since the full-scale military aggression against Ukraine by Russia. We want to reiterate our message in support of peace, standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as well as peace movements and peace activists. No to war in Ukraine, no to war anywhere! We invite you to stand up against the war in Ukraine and encourage you to join your local peace protest or activity or to organise one yourself.

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

SCI India – Maharashtra State Group is organising an online discussion on the occasion of International Women’s Day with the theme “Women’s Empowerment”. ? 8 March 2023 15:30 CET ? Zoom

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The power behind good intentions

The power behind good intentions

In December 2022, SCI Austria organised a training about colonialism and volunteering, aiming to learn and think about colonialism, its definition and its structures, and to help organisations better prepare volunteers that go to the Global South. To decolonize ourselves, in other words. Participants from different organisations or branches of SCI benefitted from this training. Now they have returned to their organisations and activities with new tools to struggle with eurocentrism, racism and colonialism within NGOs.

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Utopias Against War: Call for participants

Utopias Against War: Call for participants

Join SCI’s new antimilitarism project, in Rome, Italy, on 16-22 April, 2023! We are looking for motivated young people, passionate about peace, antimilitarism and advocacy. Deadline to apply is 20 February!

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ESC in Slovakia

ESC in Slovakia

Inex Slovakia is looking for 2 long-term ESC volunteers to join their team in Bratislava.

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CI-Hellas with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation organised a FEEL THE MEDITERRANEAN event on the Day of the Mediterranean. This was one of the many cultural, mainly music, events organised on that particular day to celebrate a sea that brings together so many different cultures and is invariably significant to Europe’s past, present and future.

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SCI Madrid is looking for 2 ESC volunteers

SCI Madrid is looking for 2 ESC volunteers

Our branch in Madrid, Spain is looking for 2 ESC long term volunteers. The volunteers will be ? based in Madrid (Spain),  ? from February 2023 to February 2024. ⏰ Deadline to apply: ASAP

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European Solidarity Corps volunteer wanted

European Solidarity Corps volunteer wanted

? The International Secretariat of Service Civil International is looking for a European Solidarity Corps volunteer! The volunteer will be ? based in Antwerp (Belgium), ? from 27 March 2023 to 26 March 2024, ? and will be working on projects. ⏰ Deadline to apply: 18 January 2023

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SCI General Assembly is concluded

SCI General Assembly is concluded

The International Committee Meeting (ICM), the annual general assembly of SCI, where all member organisations decide on the future of the organisation, took place online from 7 to 11 December 2022.

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Long-term volunteering in Bulgaria in 2023

Long-term volunteering in Bulgaria in 2023

CVS-Bulgaria is looking for motivated ESC volunteers to join their long-term initiative “Volunteering Circles II”, which consists of several circles: Volunteering, Social Inclusion and Integration, Human Rights and Art and Culture!

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International Volunteer Day (IVD) Webinar

International Volunteer Day (IVD) Webinar

SCI-India’s Maharashtra State Group celebrated the International Volunteer Day with a virtual meeting. The participants from Asia, Australia and Europe shared their experiences, remarks and wishes.

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Pierre Cérésole Awards 2022

Pierre Cérésole Awards 2022

Pierre Cérésole Award is an annual award given to branches’ projects that deserve special mention because of their innovative nature or the impact they achieved. Discover this year’s awards

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Learning Lab(oratory) Pro Training Course

Learning Lab(oratory) Pro Training Course

Our Polish branch in Poznan organised recently a training course where 28 participants from 9 countries got more in-depth on the topics of inclusion and new tools and trends in learning and development in online and in-person settings.

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Climate protection and class struggle! Climate beyond Classism!

Climate protection and class struggle! Climate beyond Classism!

People with lower incomes and low educational qualifications are strongly underrepresented in the climate movement. Yet it is precisely the economically weak and working class people who are most affected by the impacts of the climate crisis – both locally and globally. Find out more about the activity that SCI Germany organised this year on the matter.

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Inner Peace Adventure

Inner Peace Adventure

Participants of “Inner Peace and Peace with Nature” & “Learning Lab(orator) Pro” are conducting very interesting follow-up activities.

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Forging Ubuntu: “I am because we are”

Forging Ubuntu: “I am because we are”

In October 2022, SAVWA (South Africa Volunteer Workcamps Association) hosted a group of 16 young volunteers from 6 SCI partner organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa. They met in Pretoria for a training which combined discussions on the challenges of gender inequalities and climate change in their respective communities, with hands-on training in permaculture. 

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Inner Peace and Peace with Nature

Inner Peace and Peace with Nature

Between 13th and 19th of October, 30 youngsters from different countries gathered in Winterthur, Switzerland for the “Inner Peace and Peace with Nature” training course. The main goal of this training was to help the participant to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels.

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2022 SCI End-of-the-year Fundraiser

2022 SCI End-of-the-year Fundraiser

We decided to run an end-of-the-year fundraiser to cover the costs of our projects for youth and a donation from you, or anybody you know, could help us achieve that goal and complete the year in December with a better financial outlook.

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SCI is Recruiting an International Coordinator

SCI is Recruiting an International Coordinator

SCI is looking for a new International Coordinator to lead its International Secretariat located in Antwerp, Belgium. We are looking for someone with strong leadership and communication skills, intercultural experience, strategic thinking and interest to work in an international organisation with a mission to create a culture of peace. Deadline to apply: 18 November 2022.

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A global delegation at COP27 in Egypt

A global delegation at COP27 in Egypt

Have you heard about the annual conferences by the United Nations that address climate change? This year’s conference will start this month already and the SCI sends a global delegation. Find out more about the conference and the SCI delegation below.

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SCI Malaysia’s International Day of Peace activities

SCI Malaysia’s International Day of Peace activities

Are you curious to know what SCI Malaysia did for the International Day of Peace this year? As the restrictions were lifted, they were able to hold in-person activities. Find out more about what they did from Interfaith Peace Dialogue to Peace Promenade.

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Our new Office Volunteer, Noëlla, joined us in Antwerp!

Our new Office Volunteer, Noëlla, joined us in Antwerp!

Noëlla is our new office volunteer, she’s 21 years old and comes from France. She will work on statistics, on the preparation of our big event International Committee Meeting, on the fundraising and donor management and on some events on Gathertown.

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Learning Lab(oratory) Pro: call for participants

Learning Lab(oratory) Pro: call for participants

Are you an educator, a (to-be) trainer, willing to discover how to organise high-quality and more inclusive learning activities in both in-person and online environments? Apply for this training course! ? 27 October – 3 November 2022 ? Poznań, Poland ⏰ Apply by 2 October

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Renoize workcamp 2022 – How was its seventh edition?

Renoize workcamp 2022 – How was its seventh edition?

From 24th August to 7th September 2022, 15 participants took part in a workcamp in organized by SCI Italy at “La Città dell’Utopia”. Throughout the camp they collected and discussed different stories about local, historical and current fascism.

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Vision Seminar: 4th workshop invitation

Vision Seminar: 4th workshop invitation

You are invited to the 4th event of the Vision Seminar series: SCI: one international peace movement or a network of individual organisations? ? Saturday, 1 October – 11h00-13h00 CEST, ? Online on zoom. ⏰ Register by 27 September.

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Long-term volunteer wanted in Poznań!

Long-term volunteer wanted in Poznań!

SCI Poland is looking for a broad-minded young person with a positive attitude that likes to work in a team and has his/her own initiative to join their team in Poznan.
? 01.09.2022-31.10.2023
? Poznań, Poland
⏰ Apply as soon as possible

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Decolonise IVS project, initiated BY CCIVS together with ICYE, aims to build a new framework for decolonial thinking in International Voluntary Service Organizations making them reflect on diversity, equality and environmental sustainability from an intersectional perspective. With Decolonise IVS, workcamp organizations seek for the first time to go to the heart of the debate around decolonisation and to understand more about continuing forms of neo-colonialism including climate colonialism. If you are interested in the topic you can apply for their online dialogues.

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What is a workcamp in Sri Lanka like?

What is a workcamp in Sri Lanka like?

Are you interested to know what is it like to volunteer in a summer workcamp in Sri Lanka? In this article one of our volunteers tells us more about their experience, the activities they did, the delicious Sri Lankan food and the kind people they met.

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VOLUMEN – VOLUnteering for inclusive DevelopMENt

VOLUMEN – VOLUnteering for inclusive DevelopMENt

Gender equality in volunteering? This is the new project that SCI Madrid are organizing together with Greek NGO Genderhood. This project aims at promoting and encouraging non-profit organizations to incorporate the gender perspective in all their volunteering activities, through the development of an action plan that contributes to gender equality in a sustainable way.

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Vision Seminar: third workshop invitation

Vision Seminar: third workshop invitation

You are invited to the third event of the Vision Seminar series: Can we capture all areas of SCI work under peace (defined in 4 levels: with oneself, with others, within society, with nature)? ? Saturday, 10 September – 11h00-13h00 CEST, ? Online on zoom. ⏰ Register by 8 September.

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Going one step further: a call to bring youth voices and Palestinian land issues into the COP 27 conversations.

Going one step further: a call to bring youth voices and Palestinian land issues into the COP 27 conversations.

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges that humanity has faced in the last centuries.The Youth Green Deal (YGD) project, putting climate justice at the center of the cooperation in the Mediterranean area, organized an eco-camp in Palestine to build an eco-village. To make sure that there is hope for future generations it is important to raise the voice of young people on important platforms on matters such as climate change, oppression and non-violence.

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SCI keen to have International Peace Park in Penang

SCI keen to have International Peace Park in Penang

SCI Malaysia Penang Chapter wants to build an International Peace Park (IPP) that would become a place of peace and friendship for various cultural organizations to come together and have interactive sessions. They send a proposal to the state’s Chief Minister about this park and how it can promote peace and understanding.

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First Summer Workcamp for a long time in Sri Lanka

First Summer Workcamp for a long time in Sri Lanka

SCI Sri Lanka held a 10-days summer workcamp in Kudagama fishing village focused on educational activities for the children and the youth of the village in order to teach them English and motivate them to attend school every day. The purpose of volunteers was to bring much needed outside recognition and acceptance to the village community.

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Short-term summer camp

Short-term summer camp

SCI India West Bengal Group held a short-term camp focused on Environment, Health and Human Rights. They planted 600 Sonajhuri trees and also distributed 54 Mud apple trees. In addition they held awareness meetings, discussions with local youth, a drawing competition for the kids and cleaned a school campus.

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FUNding Peace training course

FUNding Peace training course

From 26th of June to 2nd of July in Belgium, 22 young people from 11 different countries participated in the FUNding Peace training course, part of FUNding Peace Project. The idea of this project was to connect young people in an open and supportive platform empowering them to exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences, connect with their European peers and SCI, map important topics and needs, share visions and work on their own project ideas.

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Call for Applications: International Training “Media (red)using stereotypes and divisions among youth”

Call for Applications: International Training “Media (red)using stereotypes and divisions among youth”

Are you a young person, youth worker, activist, or volunteer who is eager to enhance your understanding of media literacy, take an active role to promote intercultural dialogue, and combat hate speech and discrimination in the community you live in by using digital tools? The project: “Media (red)using stereotypes and divisions between youth” is for you! ? 24-29th of September ? Durres, Albania ⏰ Apply by 1 September 2022

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Better Me, Better World, Global Development Education Project

Better Me, Better World, Global Development Education Project

In 2021-2022, SCI Hong Kong China works on the Global Development Education Project with three secondary schools to create a platform for students to work together across countries despite the limitations on international travel, to acquire knowledge, develop attitudes and skills as well as allow them to take actions towards creating an inclusive and just world. Read about the project!

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Learning Lab: the Chemistry behind Quality Non-Formal Education

Learning Lab: the Chemistry behind Quality Non-Formal Education

What is the formula behind quality non-formal education? Is it possible in a digital environment? 28 people from 9 different countries gathered to find this out from 7 to 14 July 2022 in the village of Emen, Bulgaria. The Learning Lab(oratory) Training Course was part of the project “Learning Lab(oratory): quality non-formal education in the digital world”.

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What’s in a story?

What’s in a story?

The Youth Green Deal project has been initiated by the MIDI working group together with partners from the South Mediterranean area and aims to mobilize young people to act against climate change through eco-volunteering. Hugo from SCI France tells us about their visual storytelling training course.

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Become a volunteer in a social rehabilitation center BASIDA in Spain!

Become a volunteer in a social rehabilitation center BASIDA in Spain!

Become a volunteer for BASIDA, an NGO that provides medical and psychosocial support to HIV-positive, drugs addicted people and others with special needs. The volunteer will participate in the everyday life of the Centre, socializing with its community. From 8 to 21 August 2022 in Aranjuez, Spain. Apply soon!

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Climate workcamps in Poland

Climate workcamps in Poland

In July, SCI Poland began their workcamp season, welcoming international volunteers to three camps: Trzcianka, Wydminy, and Lublin. Read more to know what they were about!

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The European Training Grassroots Change in Rome

The European Training Grassroots Change in Rome

The European training “Grassroots Change: Volunteering, leadership and emancipation through hands-on work and mentoring” took place in Rome in June 2022. For one week, 17 participants from 8 different countries, through non-formal education, discussed how to create change by reflecting, with a global perspective, on how organizations and local communities can benefit from volunteering experiences with a focus on climate change.

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Through education to social justice

Through education to social justice

In June, SCI Poland completed two long-term educational initiatives: the School of Solutions Journalism and the School of Climate Justice. Both of them consisted of a series of workshops organised for people who want to work for social justice — either through journalism or climate activism.

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Food distribution in Sri Lanka

Food distribution in Sri Lanka

Due to the massive economic crisis in Sri Lanka, some people don’t have enough money to feed themselves properly. Thanks to SCI India – Karnataka group relief fund donations, we were able to organise food distributions and hope to continue them in the months to come!

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Workcamp in project “Gotas de Agua” in Peru

Workcamp in project “Gotas de Agua” in Peru

Are you interested in environmental conservation work of a dry forest in Peru? Say no more! Participate in the workcamp by “GOTAS DE AGUA” in Jaén, Región de Cajamarca (Perú), from 25 July to 15 August 2022! Apply through your local organisation.

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SCI Italy is looking for 2 ESC volunteers!

SCI Italy is looking for 2 ESC volunteers!

If you are interested in both grassroots political activism and the world of project management, and you would like to improve your professional skills in social project and group management, this ESC project by SCI Italy is for you! From September 2022, for 12 months, in Rome (Italy). Read the call and apply by 30 June 2022.

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Service Civique at the International Secretariat of SCI – apply!

Service Civique at the International Secretariat of SCI – apply!

*Long-term opportunity for residents in France*: The International Secretariat of SCI, based in Antwerp, Belgium, is looking for one Service Civique volunteer to join their office as Project and Office volunteer. Read more and apply as soon as possible. Starting date: 5 September 2022, for 1 year.

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Vision Seminar: second workshop

Vision Seminar: second workshop

You are invited to the second event of the Vision Seminar series: What is the way to achieve peace today? Are volunteering and the International Voluntary Service still useful and relevant? ? Saturday, July 9 – 11h00-13h00 CEST, ? Online on zoom. ⏰ Register by 4th of July

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Polish workcamps are waiting for volunteers

Polish workcamps are waiting for volunteers

“Is it safe to come to Poland?” is a question many people are asking now, during the invasion of Ukraine, Poland’s neighbor. But don’t worry, the majority of the country does not fear the invasion, and life goes on as usual. If you are interested in ecological education and working with kids, either in a summer school or in a refugee center, apply now to support Poland !

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Join the Peace Education and Conflict Transformation team

Join the Peace Education and Conflict Transformation team

Thriving teams are built on healthy collaboration, clear and common purpose, trust and equal voice. Their members talk easily, listen to and learn from each other; they foster diversity, respect and shared accountability. Please consider joining the Peace Education and Conflict Transformation team.

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Beyond Neocolonialism Training

Beyond Neocolonialism Training

Are you interested in raising awareness for global injustices and how this is related to colonial history? Would you like to participate in the creation of campaigns with young people against neocolonialism? Join SCI Austria in this training course!
? 3 July and 17-23 July 2022 ? Online on Zoom, and in Austria or hybrid ⏰ Apply by 6 June!

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VCV needs your support!

VCV needs your support!

Volunteers’ Centre of Vojvodina (VCV), our Serbian branch, needs your help to survive! They have been organising peace projects for many years and they need to continue their valuable activities. Donate! Their goal is at least EUR 4.510…we can do it together!

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Second Raising Peace event

Second Raising Peace event

In April this year, IVP Australia held their second event under the banner of Raising Peace, dedicated to the topic of First Nations people. Watch the recordings if you missed it.

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Call for International Volunteers in Sri Lanka

Call for International Volunteers in Sri Lanka

Are you interested in environment awareness, educational support or local communities empowerment? Apply now and discover the beautiful country of Sri Lanka!
? July and August 2022 ? Sri Lanka ⏰ Apply by 10 June!

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Launching the Vision Seminar and first workshop

Launching the Vision Seminar and first workshop

We are launching a series of 4 online workshops and a final seminar on a new vision for SCI, and you are invited to the first event: What does it mean to work for peace today, in the current context? ? Saturday, June 11 – 11h00-13h00 CEST, ? Online on zoom. ⏰ Register by 5th of June

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Living Library Week

Living Library Week

From May 4th to 13th, young people from Austria, Greece, Hungary, Spain and Italy participated in the Youth Exchange Living Library Week organized by SCI Italy in Rome at La Città dell’Utopia.

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Workshop on access to the public health system

Workshop on access to the public health system

On 10th May 2022 SCI Madrid and NGO Médicos del Mundo organized a workshop about the topic of Derecho a la Salud (Right to Health). The aim of the seminar was to explain how to achieve respect for the fundamental right to health and a life in dignity for every human being.

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We are looking for a project and office volunteer!

We are looking for a project and office volunteer!

The International Secretariat of SCI is looking for a Project and Office Volunteer to join the team in Antwerp (Belgium) from 20 June, for one year. The volunteer is supported by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. Check the call and apply by 18 May 2022!

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Communication volunteer wanted!

Communication volunteer wanted!

The International Secretariat of SCI is looking for a Communication Volunteer to join the team in Antwerp (Belgium) from 20 June, for one year. The volunteer is supported by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. Check the call and apply by 18 May 2022!

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Call for participants: Methods against war

Call for participants: Methods against war

This international seminar on antimilitarist education and protest is looking for participants! 1-6 June 2022 in Kosovo. If you are interested in the topic, read the call and apply before 6 May!

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Call for participants: training course FUNding Peace

Call for participants: training course FUNding Peace

We are opening applications for an in-person 6-day training course in De Hoge Rielen, Belgium. The FUNding Peace training course will connect 24 (future) project leaders in an open and supportive platform, empowering them to exchange ideas and boost their capacities to plan and implement successful international projects which are sustainable and inclusive. ⏰  Apply as soon as possible

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Online International Volunteering Fair #2

Online International Volunteering Fair #2

we are so happy to invite you to the second edition of our Online International Volunteering Fair on 9 May 2022, online on Gathertown – free entrance! Meet our organisations, discover all projects, and launch your volunteering experience with SCI!

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The Gender Effect

The Gender Effect

The Gender Effect is a training of trainers on gender education. During one week, 27 young professionals from all over Europe and beyond came together to explore, learn from and develop skills within the various aspects related to the topic of gender.

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Can trees leave a mark on humans’ lives? Read how to participate in this project from a volunteer in GAIA Kosovo that aims to bring awareness to deforestation problem through art and poetry rather than scientific facts.

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Youth leaders return to nature

Youth leaders return to nature

SCI MIDI working group together with SCI partners from Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine and Jordan is implementing the Youth Green Deal project. The project aims to bring together young activists from Mediterranean countries around environmental issues and promote environmental workcamps among young people.

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Free Medical Camp of SCI Bangladesh

Free Medical Camp of SCI Bangladesh

Rangabali is one of the most remote disadvantage rural areas of Bangladesh and due to its geographical location no primary medical services are available. 

SCI Bangladesh in collaboration with SCI Japan build a Mother and Child Care Center in Rangabali Patuakhali in 2017. In response to the continues request from local community and considering the need of the peoples of Rangabali SCI BD organized the 1st free medical camp. Read more.

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Screening-Discussion of a Life

Screening-Discussion of a Life

On 31 March, the film ‘Jiyan: la vie’ was screened at Ethnokino Bern. The movie is inspired by a true story of a 17 year old Syrian Kurd who arrived in Switzerland without his parents.

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Call for illustrator/designer

Call for illustrator/designer

We are looking for an illustrator who is motivated to support the design/ visual aspect in the creation of a new online course in project management! Read the call and apply by 25th of April 2022!

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RAP Project by SCI Italy

RAP Project by SCI Italy

From March 12th to 21st, young people from Poland, Greece, Slovenia, France and Italy participated in the Youth Exchange Rhythm And Power organized by SCI Italy in Rome at La Città dell’Utopia. Read more about this project.

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Raising Peace in Australia

Raising Peace in Australia

Raising Peace festival will continue in 2022! Learn more about this event, which will take place not only in Australia (Surry Hills) in person but also online!

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